Friday, March 11, 2011

I Love Money Myammee Hairstyles

Japan shakes

An earthquake measuring 8.9 struck Friday at 14.46 degrees (it was 6.46 in Italy) the north-eastern Honshu, the largest in Japan, 380 km from Tokyo. A few minutes later a tsunami with waves up to ten meters high struck the coast overlooking the Pacific spreading death and destruction in the area of \u200b\u200bSendai, the closest to the epicenter. But Italian to 19.59 hours (the 3.59 local time on Saturday) there was an earthquake measuring 6.2 Richter scale in an area completely different: near Joetsu, on the shores of the Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan in the face of Korea, pretty shallow (1 km deep) according to initial information. A few minutes later, at 20.25, a 5.5 quake degrees just 80 miles from Tokyo, confirming the shift of the epicenters of the aftershocks to the south-west, closer to the capital.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Suit For Wedding Inaustrila For Ladies

Na Femmene

Best wishes to all women.
Ps = Although a little late :-)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Interesting Facts About Triple X Syndrome

My 1 st prize in embroidery blog !!!!!!!!!

Ciaooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are not evaporated, ah ah ah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm working hard, although I had to slow down because of other impegnucci x-style family ... but there are, and soon I'll show you the chore (very easy) that because of these commitments I made at a snail's pace x dear blogger friend ...
Saturday ... I send him, the former duty of courtesy expect you to receive it and put x before (her honor!), Then I'll show you too !!!!!!!!!
Soon after, I will turn to my 1, x embroidery children ... I have the pattern ready ... I can not wait, I itch hands !!!!!!!!!

In the meantime, however, a very welcome surprise, but very much so ...
... the lovely Paola ( I included it among six recipients of the award bloggers "Kreativ Blogger", citing the following reasons:

"... darling Maddy, thank you for the your good friends, for welcoming me with so much love I allowed myself to indulge a prize ... "

... thank Paola, heart, honor of the first award to "Spring in the heart !!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Best Toddler Insulin Pump

Basket lethal

High School Fennville, Michigan. The Blackhawks, the basketball team at home, beat the Bridgman Bees 57-55. The basket of victory marks the sixteen year old Wes Leonard. He celebrates the joy of friends and sink it. But then the boy breaks down. Died shortly after in hospital

Thursday, March 3, 2011

No Supported Webcam Driver Detected


Listen What does this nice grandmother. For me: Now Santa

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Honeywell Wiring Diagrams

Cricket is Back

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Does A Green Bracelet Mean

9000 Euro per minute

In the great sea of \u200b\u200bbanality football-related, two are particularly disturbing. The first is: "From now until the end will all end." The second is: 'I made a lifestyle choice. "Clichés stands out, not only for its size, shape Adriano Leite Ribeiro. He means that your life really wants to do. This: to live in Brazil, possibly in Rio de Janeiro, making the player as it can and not as sapeva.Adriano arrived last summer with a three-year contract from 5,000,000 gross per season (plus bonuses to performance). After eight months the entitlement of the Brazilian gross amount to € 3,333,333. As he has played 355 minutes (241 in the league, 45 in the Champions League, 45 in the Italian Cup and Italian Super Cup in 24) has so far cost the modest sum of € 9,390 gross per minute.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Median Bmi For Females

Yara: the discovery

A tight clump of grass in one hand as a desperate attempt to defend themselves and cling to life. Breaks my heart that the last act of Yara Gambirasio was just that and are exactly the blades of grass that investigators found in the small handful of the girl discovered dead after three months of mystery in the clearing of Chignolo d'Isola . Twenty-four hours after the breakthrough in the mystery of the gymnast Brembate Above, you can draw the extreme tail end of the life of the girl on the basis of objective evidence gleaned in just three months of investigations.

Ps = The blog was not updated because of grieving family, this blog has seen three days of mourning

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wood Beer Pong Table Blueprints

Cycling at 100 kph

It 's the most expensive bike supply of the world, it costs € 59,500, but there's a reason: Blacktrail exceeds 100 kilometers per hour. In March, the first models will be delivered. Among the customers who have already ordered there is a Hollywood star Orlando Bloom and TV host Jay Leno .

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ruby And Max Autistic


After a few fools who won Sanremo, has finally won a good one. Thanks and congratulations Professor Roberto Vecchioni.

Schumacher Sc 6500a Battery

... And Justice For All

During the episode of the drama of Friday, February 18 Rai3 "A Place in the Sun" aired a nice curtain built ad hoc to promote the card of the fan and to blacken the eyes of public opinion , who decides not to sign it.
All this through the dialogues of various characters during the regular course of the episode.
you describe briefly what I had to attend: one of the characters (Raphael) was invited by a friend to host an episode of his television show about football, Raffaele is thoughtfully at the bar and tells his friends that the broadcast television will talk of a fan of the card. The
barista incuriosita chiede di cosa si tratta e uno degli amici di Raffaele spiega sommariamente dicendo che viene rilasciata dalle società con il consenso della questura e serve per garantire la sicurezza negli stadi; la barista allora esclama: "Quindi è una cosa positiva?" e Raffaele risponde: "Ottima".
Un altro suo amico poi lo mette in guardia dicendo che i tifosi delle curve non ne vogliono neanche sentire parlare e che hanno fatto polemiche e scontri per questo.
Raffaele torna a casa molto turbato e si addormenta, mentre dorme sogna un gruppo di ultras che lo aggredisce e si sveglia di soprassalto.
Allora ne parla con la moglie che lo invita a schierarsi per questa giusta causa e lui chiude con questa frase: "Ma lo hai capito che we're talking about the worst of the fans? This line of reasoning with iron bars and chains. "
the end of this painful episode was lacking in my opinion, only the logo Advertising Progress, the social Rai!
could be just a coincidence, but the recent events on the card, see guarantor privacy and consumer association, I suggest that the state, having noticed the spectacular failure of the card, try to re-enable it in the eyes of those who know nothing about football and cheer by entering dingy theaters like this one, followed by women in national programs, children and men of any age, so that's nice to be in any decision making or simply to move from their parte l'opinione pubblica informandola a proprio piacimento.
Ragazzi, stiamo con gli occhi aperti, la disinformazione tramite i media è un'arma potente che dobbiamo smascherare con la testa, con il pensiero libero e non rispondendo con violenza alle loro provocazioni.
Questo come tanti altri fatti (vedi quelli recenti di Torino sponda granata con il programma "Questura on line", che probabilmente verrà esteso in tutta Italia e di cui nessuno parla) sono il sintomo di una restrizione delle libertà individuali. Questo è il paese in Europa con il maggior numero di divieti. La storia ci insegna, prima nelle curve, poi nella società civile: chi crede di essere immune o che “lui” non sarà toccato da un giro lives of ever-closer is just deluded. The "game" is much bigger and covers the freedom of all, we always talk about the interests of freedom of course. Laws exist to introduce new restrictions, day after day, in the name of "security" means dangerously close to the scenarios described carefully and with great anticipation to Orwell, the rest just read "1984": it was all written.
Expressing dissent in a civilized way is the only way to oppose a democratic result.

"Who is willing to sacrifice freedom for security does not deserve neither one nor the other."

Benjamin Franklin (non certo un pericoloso eversivo ma uno dei padri fondatori degli Stati Uniti)

...And Justice For All

Monday, February 21, 2011

Problems With Poptropica

still love I hate the indifferent

I hate the indifferent
I think it means to be living partisan
who truly lives and can not be a national side.
Indifference is apathy, is parasitism, and cowardice is not 'hate life
so indifferent.
Indifference is the dead weight of history, is the inert matter where they drown
enthusiasm often the brightest, is the swamp that encloses the old city
and defends better than solid walls.
Indifference work powerfully in history.
Opera passively, but work is what is the fate
on which we can not rely
is what upsets programs, upsetting the plans is the best built
brute matter who rebels against the intelligence and the throat.

What is the evil that befalls all
not happen because some people want that to happen, because
as the mass of men abdicating their will, leave
leaves grouped nodes that only the sword can cut leaves
promulgate the laws that then just leave the rebellion will be repealed
men who come to power only then will overturn a mutiny

The fatality that seems to dominate the story,
is nothing more than illusory appearance of this indifference
of this absenteeism.
few hands is not supervised by any control
weave the fabric of collective life and ignores the mass does not care because

But the facts that have matured vengoo to lead, but the cloth woven in the shadows
comes to fruition.
So it seems that the fatality to overwhelm everything and everyone
seems that history is an enormous natural phenomenon, an eruption
an earthquake which left the victim
all those who wanted and who did not want
who knew and who did not know
Statto who was active and who is not matter and it irritated
would like to avoid the consequences, which would appear
clear that he did not want, he is not responsible
Some whine pitifully
other obscene curses, but none or very few people wonder:
even if I did I do my duty if I tried to assert my will, my advice

would happen and what happened??
indifferent because I hate to be bored
their whining of eternal innocent, I ask each of them
account of how he played the role that life has laid and put quitidianamente
of what he has done and especially what
who did not feel I can be relentless and
doer not to waste my pity
not have to share with them my tears

Friday, February 18, 2011

Brasilian Blonde Tickle

unhurt from a crash at Exit 320 km \\ h

He destroyed his Pagani Zonda black against the guard rail shortly after dell'A10 Spotorno and came out unscathed . The car, the latest model from one million and € 200 thousand, now to be scrapped. The Traffic Police has withdrawn the license, but the mystery remains about the identity of the boy who was driving the supercar plate with Monaco.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How Long Does Intestinal Flu Last

"Italy Happy Birthday" We

I'm glad to see how people are so united on how to be a bit rubbish 'in these years, the Festival of Sanremo, s'infervora other and if something is wrong or who wins does not correspond to their thinking, while at the same time is thus divided into the more important things. Happy birthday Italy

Ps = But then wishes?? Booooh

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Is 225 A Good Max For Benching


A song that does not participate in the Sanremo Festival 2011, but I think it could be one of the songs that he could win

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bullet Shot Into The Air

Saved by Facebook

Saved by Facebook. Mr Peter Ball can really thank not only his good fortune but also his account on the social network if it is still alive, because he threatened to move to a better life because of appendicitis, which was turning into peritonitis. The facts: on the day thirty years old, currently unemployed, he complained extreme pain in my stomach and told him to his Facebook friends with a series of posts on his profile. Luck had it that Rahul Velineni, his old classmate who is a surgeon at Swansea Hospital, read posts from one shift to another. The doctor immediately understood that the friend could not be simple stomach cramps and so, since he had his phone number because the two had lost touch for several years and had found by chance on their own social network , has left a post directly on the Facebook Wall.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Japanese Sword Cleaning Kit

Fish punk

have curious names, an issue that can cause both anxiety and wonder, unique physical characteristics such as external organs of light, slender beaks, tentacles or manes fuoco.Bizzarre red-sea creatures that seem to emerge directly out from the stories of Jules Verne or an old manual cryptozoology. Yet here the fantasy has to do like cabbage. It's all true, strange but true. Abyssal species or tropical, or at least considered very rare in our area, are increasingly peeking between the waters of Salerno, often ending up entangled in fishing nets, and consequently on the counters of the local fish market. In a sort of globalization ocean.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Snowmobile Truck Deck

1, ... MY WORK WITH NEEDLE AND THREAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Courage, do not be shy ... ... Let down with the "beep" and "bùùùùùù"
ah ah ah !!!!!!! Also in photo
xkè not notice much (I'm good at camouflaging the flaws,
ih ih ih ...), but there is some small difettuccio ... ... Small, though, eh! I did not go bad, come on! And then (here the experts were horrified!), This being a so-called "learned," (I preferred to leave with a monochrome, that regardless of the greater ease of execution I like very much) to 1, and as I experience, not knowing what would be the end result I did not use fine yarns, I would have liked to waste it if it was a flop ...
yarn mediocre ... but if the purpose prefissatomi x, the result is this (and here I commend m'imbrodo), those with adequate and quality will spark !!!!!!!!!!
say that defects in this position. 1, 2 job are, in my modest opinion:
1: - if you notice, in some parts of the cat catch a glimpse of horizontal stripes of a darker red and behold, there I was trying the technique of "back perfect "... but I had to stop since the yarn used was thin horizontal stripes, and then glimpse the law also ...
2: - I had the" nice "to bypass the idea (...) cat with a square background beige embroidered 1 / 2 point ... it took me a life ... then I wanted to begin to transform the 1 / 2 point to point cross in the inner parts of the oval, but it took me there too too long, and I hung the thing pretty much up to the thigh of the cat ... if you zoom the image you waited until that note ... I did not want more! Then, slowly, I'll finish it ... You will also

noticed that I changed my header: I found myself, my (piacevolissimo!) notwithstanding, have to do it because ... I discovered I love to cross stitch viscerally ... and I could not pay tribute and thanks to my mother, who loved him before me and with exemplary results ...
... so ...
... the announcement is official: THE CHILDREN'S THEME SPREADERS (although this is my first job outside of this context) WILL THE THREAD OF NEWBORN "SPRING IN THE HEART ..." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Waterproof Running Jackets


YOUTUBE - THE LAST WORD - LITE-Belpietro INNOCENZI - Big words to the last word between Belpietro and Innocenzi. The cooperation between journalists Santoro says there are "prostitutes" and so Maurizio Belpietro responds in kind. "Dear Innocenzi, have you ever wondered why you were taken from Santoro? But you you were not a journalist, you were not anybody, you do not know anyone. Why did they matter? Why Santoro will take all this ... good journalists who can not make inquiries do not want? ".

"You are the tissues del giornalismo di sinistra e fatela finita! Siete la stessa cosa"", sbotta Belpietro. "C'è grande maschilismo nella sua domanda?" risponde la Innocenzi. "Sono stata scelta dopo essere stata ospite per due volte nello spazio che oggi conduco in cui intervisto i giovani".

"In Rai non c'è nessuno in grado di fare le due domandine che fai tu la sera?" replica Belpietro.
A questo punto interviene Luca Telese. "Non si può accettare. Non è una velina! Ha fatto politica in Azione Giovani, poi nel Pd...". Belpietro però non ci sta "Luca, parla dei precari della Rai che sono stati scavalcati da Giulia Innocenzi".

A questo punto la polemica coinvolge anche il conduttore Paragone, che più than once, calling him the camera to comment on what is happening.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Mom's Nylon Feet Smelling

Valentine's Day: the feast of divorces

And they call it Valentine's Day. In fact, rather than the party degli innamorati, il 14 febbraio sta diventando «il giorno dei divorzi.Negli ultimi due anni c’è stato un aumento del 36% nel numero di cause discusse proprio in tale data o comunque in questo periodo. Abbiamo riscontrato un aumento medio del 40% per quanto riguarda le richieste di avvocati divorzisti attorno al giorno di San Valentino rispetto ai sei mesi precedenti – ha detto al quotidiano Usa Mark Britton, fondatore ed amministratore delegato di – ed un incremento del 36% delle cause durante lo stesso periodo». Risultati che non faranno certo la felicità degli inguaribili romantici che vedono il 14 febbraio come il giorno dedicato a cuore, amore e cioccolatini.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Gay Cruising Spot In Athens

Scampia: erect a wall against drug addicts

C'era il Padova wall erected against drug dealers and now there is a wall of Scampia raised against the customers of the pusher. It happens because of the cemetery, in front of the buildings in the neighborhood of Lot P on the northern outskirts of Naples. Residents incensed by the 'assault' daily heroin users were self-assessed - They get about 500 euro - to set up an embankment about ten feet in length and 5 high. The aim is, in fact, keep out of sight and physically addicts who haunt the streets with hundreds of Scampia night and day. Zombies dripping blood, sex in the street, stripped to shoot up. Once the collection, you are armed with those willing to assemble the bulldozer good bead of land. The wall anti-drug addicts.

Friday, February 4, 2011

How To Write A Prayer

ANNOZERO / February 3, 2011, interview Luca Barbareschi

ANNOZERO / February 3, 2011, interview Luca Barbareschi, YouTube videos
ANNOZERO RAIDUE - YESTERDAY'S EPISODE (03/02/11) - Barbaresco SANTORO - Luca Barbareschi (FLI) is central to a (suspected) sale with Premier Silvio Berlusconi.
As the Prime Minister had announced its contingency plan, in order to shore up the shaky government, is to carry on its shore, one by one, members of other political parties (which, according to some, "to carry on its margin "is a euphemism for" buy ").
Barbareschi has always denied he is leaving Fli. The actor-MP has admitted he still had several substantial offers from Berlusconi. But Barbareschi is not greedy: he has enough to keep it as long as the bell, he did not need another. Barbary is not for sale.

Free Mario Salieri Stream

Confession? With the help of the iPhone

How many times my son? What sins have you spotted? You can ask forgiveness from our Lord? And if so, do you prefer to do so with the help of your smartphone? For some time the doors of faith have been opened to the Internet, but the last frontier of virtual faith goes further and allows even make a preliminary examination of conscience for confession via iPhone or iPad.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Club Nintendo Star Generator

The unfaithful to the top of searches in January Yahoo! Tv Phone call Silvio Berlusconi

Turning to the Top Ten most searched Yahoo! TV programs, in the first position we find 'the infidel' , the popular talk show La 7 hosted by journalist Gad Lerner. In the episode last January 24, devoted to 'case Ruby', got a call from Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi the hard intervened to say that its on the debate that was taking place in the studio at that time. The same bet registered the record number of plays for 'the infidel', with 7.80% of average share and 1,843,324 viewers, contacts 6,843,459 2,483,624 viewers and peaks at 22:58 and 13.86% of share at 23:54.
The third place on the ranking of most searched celebrities in January is occupied by Michele Santoro. The famous journalist Salerno, conductor 'Annozero' (Raidue), is a very discussed on Italian TV, which never fails to capture public attention with its programs and its positions.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kidney Infection Discharge

Hunt pawn

Italian cities are dangerous places. Those who survive polluted air, ends up under a car. The ACI has published the 2009 data: 667 pedestrians killed in a road accident while crossing the street, waiting for the bus, il verde al semaforo o camminavano sul marciapiede. Il record spetta ancora una volta a Milano (due pedoni morti solo negli ultimi giorni, ndr). L'automobilista in città è incattivito, se va piano la colpa è di tutti gli (altri) automobilisti che ci sono in giro e dei pedoni che rallentano la circolazione attraversando sulle strisce pedonali. Se ci scappa il morto ci sono le attenuanti ambientali e infatti quasi nessuno va in galera. L'automobilista in città dovrebbe comportarsi da ospite, ma i più si credono all'autodromo e bruciano i semafori e spesso anche le vite di quelli che hanno deciso di andare a piedi e prendere i mezzi pubblici.

Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Keep Nat Open On Netgear

Dogs sniff prostate cancer

Sfruttare le capacità olfattive dei cani to discover in the urine of patients the presence of prostate cancer. This is the curious method tested, apparently successfully, by some French scientists who have long experienced the ability of four-legged friends as the basis of reliable tests for early detection of cancer. A team of medical experts and biochemists, led by Olivier Cussenot, professor of urology oncology at the Hospital Tenon in Paris, said he had trained a Belgian shepherd (the same race to which we rely for the detection of explosives, narcotics or persons buried by avalanches) to acknowledge the presence of prostate cancer with an accuracy that was equal to 91 per cent. "This means, as the authors point out the research, that the urine of sick people has a peculiar smell - says Bernardo Rocco, urologist to the European Institute of Oncology in Milan -. Based on this observation, then, could groped for improvement of the biochemical tests have been used in the laboratory for the identification of this form of cancer. "

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Discontinued Grocery Products

C'avete broke .... The

Ma in che situazione siamo finiti?! Stiamo toccando veramente il fondo! Ci riferiamo a questo stato di cose in cui tanti, troppi fattori stanno portando questa squadra a fare delle figure di merda sia in casa che fuori. Parliamo in primis del fattore tecnico e quindi dei giocatori che vestono la NOSTRA maglia viola: abbiamo un allenatore che doveva rifondare una squadra ed invece si ritrova con gli stessi giocatori di anno, con qualche innesto, seppur promettente, dal settore giovanile ed altri (vedi Cerci) assolutamenti inefficaci nel bring a new game and a new soul. When you change the coach you change the players: When was the Prandelli took all those who had previously coached at the time of Verona and Parma and instead Mihajlovic gnen'hanno not got one! Why, we wonder, the coach has not imposed? Why not beat your fists on the tables and did not ask his players, who wanted him? And beyond that, because the Company has not got the players to focus on value instead of the usual waste of the other teams? These are definitely the blunders that have been made in recent times ... also Poggibonsi, with the right proportion, they do better than what has been proposed by Fiorentina.
to mention the debate that has raged in recent days in the city, we are talking about a player like Mutu, apart from performance on the field, and has the always taken for a ride. How do I reinstate it always hurt everywhere in the team without the consequences? A player who arranges fixed on Thursday evening in the disco where young people are involved (see Ljajic, Babacar, Camporese, etc ...) and induced to think that this is the real fun, not playing on Sunday. A player who was thrown out going to prepare for the withdrawal of his country in spite of the struggle for the Champion's that Fiorentina was leading, a player who was sending text messages to Totti greeted with euphoria the transition to giallozzozzi (then faded Prandelli for the opposition), a player who, speaking of things recently, has always sought cash from companies in the clash and had also offered to Cesena, transfer too vague and that led pantomimic last press conference. Not to mention the facts of drugs, fights and various pills ... But even here the company has not been able to handle this situation, was unable to make sound decisions, in defiance of professional ethics but also to the infinite passion of the Florentines. Mutu
But it's not the only one! We all know what happens to the nightlife around Florence, we do not make dumb, episodes such as those which occurred in Vargas last week should not surprise us that much.
With this background it is enough to hope to arrive early at the end of the league, getting 40 points as soon as the fateful meaning salvation and re-found the whole environment, the Company, which is not clear whether there is or there is, and some players who like fish after a while 'stink.
We are tired of not seeing the heart on the field, shaking his head seeing indecent performance, clapping with their eyes reading the news papers ... Just partying in discos and behavior outside the lines: we broke the balls!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Itech Goalie Pads Rx7

The smile that lights up

E 'evening, a group of young Japanese walking the streets of Tokyo. One can see only shapes in sufficient detail, but the smiles of the teenagers of immense light, so many colors, as in a happy and colorful celebration here last found a little 'trash and certainly very genius that comes from the Land of the Rising Sun. I mean some people have gold teeth, whitened those who decorated with precious stones and even those who have tattoos. Now comes a new trend in dentistry from Japan: the smile that lights up.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Walbro Snowmobile Carburetor For Sale

steal the corpse of Mike Bongiorno

Monday, January 24, 2011

Is It Possible To Change A Pokemon's Gender

Britain: A 80 year old "finds" his car

Where I left the car? In a May afternoon in 2008 an elderly British gentleman had parked his Honda in a parking lot of a metallic mall before going to the grocery store. In return, however, the car was gone. Or better: Gerald Sanctuary, eighty of St. Albans, Hertfordshire, could not remember where he had left. From three years have passed since that day. Last week, his car was finally found. It was just where he had left.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Circles And Peace Signs Bedding

"Welcome Nucleare!! "

The campaign in favor of nuclear power continues in the newspapers and on television. E 'pathetic. Confindustria and the Italian Government are becoming ridiculous. There is no single reason in favor of nuclear power. Exploits the uranium that will end in 40/50 years and is concentrated in very few countries in the world, is therefore not renewable. Will finish before the uranium oil. The cost of nuclear power is greater than that of other energy sources and no one has yet solved the problem of radioactive waste. Why do it then? Perché propagandare balle su balle? Per due motivi. Primo: le centrali saranno francesi e la Francia ci tiene per le palle con più di 500 miliardi di euro di nostri titoli pubblici. Secondo: le aziende interessate parteciperanno a un'abbuffata di decine di miliardi per la costruzione delle centrali in parte finanziate dallo Stato.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What Happened To Laura Gemser

... and I have messed up the projects as well !!!!!!

... have you ever heard of a "bad" news that is wonderful at the same time ?!?!?

It 's like my mom up there by themselves by sending me a passion (and I am intimately definitely think it is) that x she was the thread of life: sewing.
Along with knitting and crochet ... As I said to my dear
Seas "CreaMariCrea" in the pre / Christmas, I could not wait to begin the new year to learn to sew (knit and crochet I know them enough, thanks to my mami and my grandmother), and also try my hand slowly with creative sewing:
do then? Sewing pasta or corn?

... and why not both?!?

Well "THE BAD" NEWS AND 'ALL THAT chores in that material that I have started this week, I SI SON MISERERE Limp GIA 'IN THE WORK ... WHY'? It 'easy to say: In the new house is' a moisture content 'MORE' HIGH (in fact we have had some slight problem with mold on interior walls), which we have no negative NE 'DISCOMFORT, BUT YOU' The dough ... I DO NOT TAKE !!!!!!!!!!

I did not think that would affect it, but so ...
... so where is the wonderful news?!?
can devote ALL TO MY NEW PASSION THAT I HAVE CLEARLY hatched over the years, even when there I was thinking, at least that 'I believe ... WHY' come to think of envy and admiration ALWAYS WITH MY MOTHER TO BE TREATED WITH needle, thread, fabrics and anything else In that area ... BUT I WAS TOO PROUD TO ADMIT X !!!!!!!

God, how happy I am ... it's as if I had dropped the bandages from his eyes and I saw x the first time how things really are inside me!
Now, having had to make a choice x force majeure and then having established that it is finally clear parallel WHAT 'the road to follow ...

... enjoying like never before in this "light" with an aftertaste extremely rewarding and relaxing x soul that only by "anyone" could ...

LAPALISSE ... is that "the winner is ...
... what made me change il titolo di questo blog in "Ago, affini, amore e fantasia" !!!!!!!!!! (L'avevate notato?) !!!!!!!!

...e se c'è qualcuno che pensa che possa avermi spazientita lo scoprire che la pasta di mais in casa mia è x forza di cose bandita, magari facendomi sentire imbarazzata verso voi...

...o rattristata...

...o peggio ancora in preda a incontenibile rabbia...

...rispondo con inesprimibile gioia :

...TUTT'ALTRO !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Di più...è strange, but I feel like a burden released from limiting tarpante, decelerating, which I finally deleted the fly to a single, endless beach without distraction !!!!!!!!!
And that's what makes it evident how much I wanted to take over the helm ONLY my mami gave up in spite of ...
... witness the race to share add to my unexpected happiness to the many benefits it already ...

... and I do not have to reveal any restraint !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

... senza i troppi, inconcludenti, inutili "bla bla bla" delle mie elucubrazioni mentali...

...le circostanze han scelto x me, affrancandomi da quest'incombenza...

...e ora mi sento finalmente legittimata (era di questo che avevo bisogno) a partire con 1 blog più mirato, con un unico e ben preciso filo conduttore, molto meno "macchinoso" di quello scartato dalle circostanze, più pulito, facilmente "trasportabile" (ovunque io vada posso portarmi dietro una minibag con tutto il "necessàire" e "lavoricchiàre" ovunque e in qualunque momento io lo desideri, cosa che con la pasta di mais I could never do considering the "preparatory rite" requires that every time, not to mention the equipment to be washed constantly, and so on ...), and most of all ...

I can not find words to express the joy that gives me this contingency not foreseen ...

... I will do my best not to disappoint x, Mom, I hope to do it, but if you drive yet my feet will certainly be so!

... and something you already doing ... I knew it !!!!!!!
made me remember that I have at home some of your books and pamphlets explaining a "wide range", I immediately start browse, it will be like to have you back here!

Now I feel gratified COMPLETELY !!!!!!!!

As if I had the sun in your hands ...

... with a little push and I had to touch the sky!

Why ...