Ma in che situazione siamo finiti?! Stiamo toccando veramente il fondo! Ci riferiamo a questo stato di cose in cui tanti, troppi fattori stanno portando questa squadra a fare delle figure di merda sia in casa che fuori. Parliamo in primis del fattore tecnico e quindi dei giocatori che vestono la NOSTRA maglia viola: abbiamo un allenatore che doveva rifondare una squadra ed invece si ritrova con gli stessi giocatori di anno, con qualche innesto, seppur promettente, dal settore giovanile ed altri (vedi Cerci) assolutamenti inefficaci nel bring a new game and a new soul. When you change the coach you change the players: When was the Prandelli took all those who had previously coached at the time of Verona and Parma and instead Mihajlovic gnen'hanno not got one! Why, we wonder, the coach has not imposed? Why not beat your fists on the tables and did not ask his players, who wanted him? And beyond that, because the Company has not got the players to focus on value instead of the usual waste of the other teams? These are definitely the blunders that have been made in recent times ... also Poggibonsi, with the right proportion, they do better than what has been proposed by Fiorentina.
to mention the debate that has raged in recent days in the city, we are talking about a player like Mutu, apart from performance on the field, and has the always taken for a ride. How do I reinstate it always hurt everywhere in the team without the consequences? A player who arranges fixed on Thursday evening in the disco where young people are involved (see Ljajic, Babacar, Camporese, etc ...) and induced to think that this is the real fun, not playing on Sunday. A player who was thrown out going to prepare for the withdrawal of his country in spite of the struggle for the Champion's that Fiorentina was leading, a player who was sending text messages to Totti greeted with euphoria the transition to giallozzozzi (then faded Prandelli for the opposition), a player who, speaking of things recently, has always sought cash from companies in the clash and had also offered to Cesena, transfer too vague and that led pantomimic last press conference. Not to mention the facts of drugs, fights and various pills ... But even here the company has not been able to handle this situation, was unable to make sound decisions, in defiance of professional ethics but also to the infinite passion of the Florentines. Mutu
But it's not the only one! We all know what happens to the nightlife around Florence, we do not make dumb, episodes such as those which occurred in Vargas last week should not surprise us that much.
With this background it is enough to hope to arrive early at the end of the league, getting 40 points as soon as the fateful meaning salvation and re-found the whole environment, the Company, which is not clear whether there is or there is, and some players who like fish after a while 'stink.
We are tired of not seeing the heart on the field, shaking his head seeing indecent performance, clapping with their eyes reading the news papers ... Just partying in discos and behavior outside the lines: we broke the balls!
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