Friday, January 21, 2011

Circles And Peace Signs Bedding

"Welcome Nucleare!! "

The campaign in favor of nuclear power continues in the newspapers and on television. E 'pathetic. Confindustria and the Italian Government are becoming ridiculous. There is no single reason in favor of nuclear power. Exploits the uranium that will end in 40/50 years and is concentrated in very few countries in the world, is therefore not renewable. Will finish before the uranium oil. The cost of nuclear power is greater than that of other energy sources and no one has yet solved the problem of radioactive waste. Why do it then? Perché propagandare balle su balle? Per due motivi. Primo: le centrali saranno francesi e la Francia ci tiene per le palle con più di 500 miliardi di euro di nostri titoli pubblici. Secondo: le aziende interessate parteciperanno a un'abbuffata di decine di miliardi per la costruzione delle centrali in parte finanziate dallo Stato.


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