... have you ever heard of a "bad" news that is wonderful at the same time ?!?!?
It 's like my mom up there by themselves by sending me a passion (and I am intimately definitely think it is) that x she was the thread of life: sewing.
Along with knitting and crochet ... As I said to my dear
Seas "CreaMariCrea" in the pre / Christmas, I could not wait to begin the new year to learn to sew (knit and crochet I know them enough, thanks to my mami and my grandmother), and also try my hand slowly with creative sewing:
do then? Sewing pasta or corn?
... and why not both?!?
Well "THE BAD" NEWS AND 'ALL THAT chores in that material that I have started this week, I SI SON MISERERE Limp GIA 'IN THE WORK ... WHY'? It 'easy to say: In the new house is' a moisture content 'MORE' HIGH (in fact we have had some slight problem with mold on interior walls), which we have no negative NE 'DISCOMFORT, BUT YOU' The dough ... I DO NOT TAKE !!!!!!!!!!
I did not think that would affect it, but so ...
... so where is the wonderful news?!?
can devote ALL TO MY NEW PASSION THAT I HAVE CLEARLY hatched over the years, even when there I was thinking, at least that 'I believe ... WHY' come to think of envy and admiration ALWAYS WITH MY MOTHER TO BE TREATED WITH needle, thread, fabrics and anything else In that area ... BUT I WAS TOO PROUD TO ADMIT X !!!!!!!
God, how happy I am ... it's as if I had dropped the bandages from his eyes and I saw x the first time how things really are inside me!
Now, having had to make a choice x force majeure and then having established that it is finally clear parallel WHAT 'the road to follow ...
... enjoying like never before in this "light" with an aftertaste extremely rewarding and relaxing x soul that only by "anyone" could ...

LAPALISSE ... is that "the winner is ...
... what made me change il titolo di questo blog in "Ago, affini, amore e fantasia" !!!!!!!!!! (L'avevate notato?) !!!!!!!!
...e se c'è qualcuno che pensa che possa avermi spazientita lo scoprire che la pasta di mais in casa mia è x forza di cose bandita, magari facendomi sentire imbarazzata verso voi...

...o rattristata...
...o peggio ancora in preda a incontenibile rabbia...
...rispondo con inesprimibile gioia :
...TUTT'ALTRO !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Di più...è strange, but I feel like a burden released from limiting tarpante, decelerating, which I finally deleted the fly to a single, endless beach without distraction !!!!!!!!!
And that's what makes it evident how much I wanted to take over the helm ONLY my mami gave up in spite of ...
... witness the race to share add to my unexpected happiness to the many benefits it already ...
... and I do not have to reveal any restraint !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
... senza i troppi, inconcludenti, inutili "bla bla bla" delle mie elucubrazioni mentali...
...le circostanze han scelto x me, affrancandomi da quest'incombenza...
...e ora mi sento finalmente legittimata (era di questo che avevo bisogno) a partire con 1 blog più mirato, con un unico e ben preciso filo conduttore, molto meno "macchinoso" di quello scartato dalle circostanze, più pulito, facilmente "trasportabile" (ovunque io vada posso portarmi dietro una minibag con tutto il "necessàire" e "lavoricchiàre" ovunque e in qualunque momento io lo desideri, cosa che con la pasta di mais I could never do considering the "preparatory rite" requires that every time, not to mention the equipment to be washed constantly, and so on ...), and most of all ...
I can not find words to express the joy that gives me this contingency not foreseen ...
... I will do my best not to disappoint x, Mom, I hope to do it, but if you drive yet my feet will certainly be so!
... and something you already doing ... I knew it !!!!!!!
made me remember that I have at home some of your books and pamphlets explaining a "wide range", I immediately start browse, it will be like to have you back here!
Now I feel gratified COMPLETELY !!!!!!!!
As if I had the sun in your hands ...
... with a little push and I had to touch the sky!
Why ...

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