Sunday, February 13, 2011

Snowmobile Truck Deck

1, ... MY WORK WITH NEEDLE AND THREAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Courage, do not be shy ... ... Let down with the "beep" and "bùùùùùù"
ah ah ah !!!!!!! Also in photo
xkè not notice much (I'm good at camouflaging the flaws,
ih ih ih ...), but there is some small difettuccio ... ... Small, though, eh! I did not go bad, come on! And then (here the experts were horrified!), This being a so-called "learned," (I preferred to leave with a monochrome, that regardless of the greater ease of execution I like very much) to 1, and as I experience, not knowing what would be the end result I did not use fine yarns, I would have liked to waste it if it was a flop ...
yarn mediocre ... but if the purpose prefissatomi x, the result is this (and here I commend m'imbrodo), those with adequate and quality will spark !!!!!!!!!!
say that defects in this position. 1, 2 job are, in my modest opinion:
1: - if you notice, in some parts of the cat catch a glimpse of horizontal stripes of a darker red and behold, there I was trying the technique of "back perfect "... but I had to stop since the yarn used was thin horizontal stripes, and then glimpse the law also ...
2: - I had the" nice "to bypass the idea (...) cat with a square background beige embroidered 1 / 2 point ... it took me a life ... then I wanted to begin to transform the 1 / 2 point to point cross in the inner parts of the oval, but it took me there too too long, and I hung the thing pretty much up to the thigh of the cat ... if you zoom the image you waited until that note ... I did not want more! Then, slowly, I'll finish it ... You will also

noticed that I changed my header: I found myself, my (piacevolissimo!) notwithstanding, have to do it because ... I discovered I love to cross stitch viscerally ... and I could not pay tribute and thanks to my mother, who loved him before me and with exemplary results ...
... so ...
... the announcement is official: THE CHILDREN'S THEME SPREADERS (although this is my first job outside of this context) WILL THE THREAD OF NEWBORN "SPRING IN THE HEART ..." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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