Monday, February 21, 2011

Problems With Poptropica

still love I hate the indifferent

I hate the indifferent
I think it means to be living partisan
who truly lives and can not be a national side.
Indifference is apathy, is parasitism, and cowardice is not 'hate life
so indifferent.
Indifference is the dead weight of history, is the inert matter where they drown
enthusiasm often the brightest, is the swamp that encloses the old city
and defends better than solid walls.
Indifference work powerfully in history.
Opera passively, but work is what is the fate
on which we can not rely
is what upsets programs, upsetting the plans is the best built
brute matter who rebels against the intelligence and the throat.

What is the evil that befalls all
not happen because some people want that to happen, because
as the mass of men abdicating their will, leave
leaves grouped nodes that only the sword can cut leaves
promulgate the laws that then just leave the rebellion will be repealed
men who come to power only then will overturn a mutiny

The fatality that seems to dominate the story,
is nothing more than illusory appearance of this indifference
of this absenteeism.
few hands is not supervised by any control
weave the fabric of collective life and ignores the mass does not care because

But the facts that have matured vengoo to lead, but the cloth woven in the shadows
comes to fruition.
So it seems that the fatality to overwhelm everything and everyone
seems that history is an enormous natural phenomenon, an eruption
an earthquake which left the victim
all those who wanted and who did not want
who knew and who did not know
Statto who was active and who is not matter and it irritated
would like to avoid the consequences, which would appear
clear that he did not want, he is not responsible
Some whine pitifully
other obscene curses, but none or very few people wonder:
even if I did I do my duty if I tried to assert my will, my advice

would happen and what happened??
indifferent because I hate to be bored
their whining of eternal innocent, I ask each of them
account of how he played the role that life has laid and put quitidianamente
of what he has done and especially what
who did not feel I can be relentless and
doer not to waste my pity
not have to share with them my tears


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