Saturday, July 10, 2010

What's The 12 For On Alabama's Helmets

From the "White Night" in tribute to President Napolitano Conselice

from the only monument to press freedom in Italy, in Conselice (Ravenna), "a tribute not to the ritual head of state Giorgio Napolitano for his teaching, institutional guarantee of civil coexistence and freedom of all, set by the Constitution, "at the "white night" to say no to censorship bill that blocks the information and judicial reporting. Thus, the general secretary of FNSI, Franco Siddi, has closed during the night in the town of Romagna, the long day of events organized throughout Italy by the National Federation of the Italian press to say no to the silence of the state and to assert the right to know and conditions for the proper discharge of the duty to inform the public.
"In this city - said Siddi - that President Napolitano was recently honored with the desired value because of the actions of the civil population to regain freedom, claiming first place in the stampa clandestina durante la Resistenza, si riannodano i fili del mai cessato impegno per la libertà, che, come vediamo oggi, non è mai garantita per sempre.
Questo monumento, non solo simbolicamente, rappresenta ben più di un momento della
memoria. E’ un monito permanente a considerare la libera informazione il vero motore della libertà del Paese. La partecipazione di migliaia di cittadini alle manifestazioni e soprattutto la grande mobilitazione di Conselice lo confermano e assumono il rilievo di una nuova resistenza civile da sviluppare coerentemente in azioni incessanti per impedire l’interruzione del circuito delle notizie, di tutte le notizie di interesse pubblico, che debbono essere conosciute e non censurate, a Depending on the nature (such as judicial inquiries) Act. The Information is a source of law and security: democracy is understood as a condition that, based on knowledge, but also allows those who have no voice and no power to be protected from abuse of the pre-power. " The secretary of
Fnsi also proposed that the city's mayor, Maurizio Filippucci, who welcomed the idea, to join in Conselice next Oct. 1 - the date of delivery to the Association of the press in Emilia Romagna, the new flag flag of freedom of the press specifically designed for local schools - the Medal of Valor Civil City for the battles of freedom and commitment stanpa efforts in favor of freedom. Camillo Galba, president of the printing of Emilia Romagna, which organized the "white night" together with the municipality of Conselice, cohesive renewed the initiative of journalists from all regions for the information in a permanent recognition of the value not static "pedal" (the printing press of the square in Liberty print Conselice), a permanent symbol of the universal value of access to information.
Hundreds of people crowded the square for the night of Conselice are witnesses and participants of an Italy that will not break the circuit of the news. The artists who have accompagnato la serata (tra gli altri Ivano Marescotti, Tamara Fagnocchi, e le formazioni artistiche organizzate dai gruppi dei giornalisti precari dell’Emilia Romagna), di questa testimonianza hanno reso visibili e apprezzate espressioni.


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