The data of this second study on the issue,''shows a complex picture and ambivalent,''said Mario Morcellini, president of the National Conference of the Faculty of Communication Sciences. In the first four months of 2010, monitoring of the front pages of newspapers, the presence of less frequent among emergency security and immigration issues, realigns Italy in a European setting, with an ordinary situation, sometimes 'silent' interrupted by ''flames of revolt.'' And is' not used in an indiscriminate way the term 'illegal', but in peak Rosarno, a newspaper ('Il Giornale') was also used as a provocation to the word 'nigger'. In telling the revolt in Calabria, according to data, events and the press have been distinguished for a more 'rich, while National Newspaper is open to the point of view 'critical towards immigrants.
Moreover, in the 1540 corpus of information gathered in 2008, those 'not bad', although few, only 85 (5.5%), are increasing. About 1 / 3 are neutral (not deployed) as the results of surveys and research and 2 / 3 are 'good' (the integration stories, articles of complaint, etc.). To comment on the data with Roberto Natale, president of Fnsi and Laura Boldrini, UNHCR spokesperson, was attended by several directors of warheads Concita De Gregorio de L'Unita 'Mario Calabresi
La Stampa. The paper''which we published in 2009 on Africa before the G8, and 'was the most' sold in the last five years - said Calabresi -. Ha battuto di 50 mila copie quello sull'Italia vincitrice dei Mondiali, e persino uno in Liguria che regalava un telo mare''. Per lui ''non servono giornalisti che abbiano un punto di vista 'buono' sull'immigrazione, ma di normale obiettivita' e curiosita', come per il resto delle notizie''.
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