Saturday, July 24, 2010

Shower Curtain Wire Clips

Solidarity from Germany July 29, a garrison Deputies cut or gags

“Attenti e vigili in piazza Montecitorio giovedì 29 luglio alle ore 16 in contemporanea con l’avvio del dibattito sul ddl intercettazioni nell’aula della Camera. Il ‘Comitato per la libertà e il diritto all’informazione e alla conoscenza’, che aveva organizzato le manifestazioni del primo luglio a piazza Navona e in altre città italiane, è tornato a riunirsi nella sede della Fnsi ed ha fissato questo presidio per indicare che rimane alta l’attenzione e la mobilitazione delle forze sindacali e sociali. I positivi emendamenti votati dalla Commissione Giustizia della Camera per le parti riguardanti il lavoro dei giornalisti - With the introduction of the hearing-filter, which is also the result of pressure for months by a large sign of associations - can not hide the dangers that still leads the text to the right of citizens to communicate (with the unmotivated submission of the blog under the same rules of professional information) and for the safety of the community itself, given the obstacles that the bill Alfano continues to pose to the use of
interception by police and magistrates.
'Neither cut nor gags', said the set of acronyms ritrovatosi to fight against various forms of censorship. So there is no reason to demobilize, as in those days when you change the Alfano Bill arrives at the conclusion of a devastating impact on economic measures tested cooperatives, nonprofit and party, that the cancellation of the so-called 'subjective right' leads in many cases on the brink of closure. The drastic curtailment of public funding is the most lethal gag, as well as cuts to culture and entertainment to remove voice critical views and expressions not approved.
The coverage of the July 29 Deputies to reaffirm the strength of the alliance between the operators of Information and Culture and the many citizens who no longer want to be subtracted news and knowledge. "


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