Thursday, July 1, 2010

Card To Boss Diagnosed With Cancer


The Press Association of the Order of Journalists of Basilicata Basilicata, organized for today, July 1, 2010, from 10am to 12pm and from 18 to 20 hours in Piazza Pascoli in Matera , a garrison to protest against the DDL Alfano that places limitations on press freedom.
Here is a posting to be signed by the president of the regional Mimmo Sammartino and president of Print Serafino Paternoster.
Tutti i giornalisti e tutti i cittadini sono invitati a partecipare.
“L’Ordine regionale dei Giornalisti e l’Associazione della Stampa di Basilicata sono mobilitati domani 1 luglio, insieme agli organismi nazionali e alle altre realtà regionali della categoria, per lanciare un appello al Paese, ai suoi cittadini, alle sue istituzioni dinanzi all’annunciata approvazione della legge-bavaglio. Una legge che colpirà - come autorevoli istituzioni hanno denunciato - il diritto-dovere di informare da parte degli organi di informazione e il diritto a essere informati da parte dei cittadini.
Si tratta dell’ennesimo attacco a diritti e garanzie sanciti dalla Costituzione di questo Paese che, con Increasingly, you try to force, to break in, to deny.
If this law had been in force, the citizens of this country could not have known anything - within a reasonable timeframe - bribery (Tangentopoli by the so-called "crack"), stories such as those associated with murder, terrorism and murky events (which, despite the absence of judicial truth, they could at least become widespread awareness in civil society) and investigations and scandals such as those related to major economic powers (in Italy and Basilicata), stories of pain, left for years and years without truth and justice, such as those relating to the murder of Elisa Claps Fusilli or Titian, to the death of the sweethearts Policoro, Luca Orioli and Marirosa Andreotta, the disappearance of the small Ottavia De Luise or teacher of Marie Antoinette Lagonegro Flora, and other mysteries. Prevent
to tell these stories, justifying this choice with the need to strike some excess, it's like - in front of a pollution source - instead of blocking the damage and hit the polluter responsible, it is decided to remove the water .
say no - firmly - on this project, for which order and Assostampa of Basilicata are mobilized, not an objective of the responsibility of journalists. It 'an imperative that affects us all. About people. Regarding the defense of the fundamental principles of the Constitution Republic. About democracy. About the present and the future of this country. "
The president of the Journalists of Basilicata
Mimmo Sammartino
The president of Basilicata dell'Assostampa
Serafino Paternoster


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