On July 25 will be 17 years that Mark (Naf, or simply Narchione Marco Campi) has left us.
It 'difficult to speak of those who have left us in his friends, cornering a huge void. We remember black and white picture of the pioneer of that movement Ultras Fiesole in Florence that materialized at its best with the birth of the Ultras 73. It 's always been and continues to be a constant point of reference and alive within us.
During many meetings of the group but we asked Mark what he would do? What would she say?
When the shock wave broke, and to live his memory, in agreement with the mother was chosen as BMB (Brigade Marco Ballerini), even the older ones were hesitant and wondered: who are we to bring the name of one who has made history in Fiesole? Then we decided that the name was still honored and remembered.
Certainly we were not up to the task we have taken, or almost none of the rest might be, but we have put all our passion. We have tried to follow his teachings in a world, that of the curve, that within a few short years has radically changed.
We miss the "big voice" of one who threw the chorus without even a megaphone, one that you look burnt, but capable of extraordinary acts of love and friendship. Who has had the good fortune to walk with him knows what we speak.
Mark, like those of his generation, he would put his face, he spoke because he had the right and license to do so. We
its "face" we took in every stadium, every game. But from next
year there will be the "patch" in the balustrade, there will be no banner and flags of BMB: this world, nor we are sure, is not his world. If
Fiesole will be able to start again, maybe in other forms, and above all more united, maybe that "face" to return to its curve.
We keep talking about Marco peppering these lines of rhetoric, but not by him, or perhaps with memories that do not interest many.
close with something real and sincere.
Mark loved his curve, his city, that mesh Viola more than anything else. This
we should all learn: the first is Fiesole, Florence, Fiorentina. If we succeed only
ne guadagneremmo tutti.
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