Expression of the House of Deputies
Friday, July 30, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Camera Bags For Women
The MediaClub Germany expresses its solidarity with colleagues in the FNSI and the Committee on Freedom and the right to information, committed today in the garrison Square House.
The association of Italian journalists and of Italian origin living in Germany wishes to point out while the growth of mobilization in defense of freedom of information among the Italians living in this country. .
MediaClub Germany's call for solidarity with the struggle that is leading the FNSI has collected and is collecting hundreds of signatures of Italian citizens in all le maggiori città tedesche.
Nell’appello il MediaClub Germania lega la battaglia in difesa della libertà di stampa in Italia alle preoccupanti condizioni dell’informazione e della cultura di lingua italiana tra le comunità italiane all’estero.
Per il MediaClub i tagli finanziari alla stampa italiana all'estero, alla cultura e ai servizi sociali e lo scarso interesse del servizio d'informazione pubblico per le comunità italiane all'estero recidono sempre più i legami di queste con la madre patria e ostacolano l'informazione di ritorno.
All’appello hanno già aderito numerose associazioni culturali e testate giornalistiche italiane di Berlino, Amburgo, Monaco, Colonia e Francorte.
Renzo Brizzi
Presidente del MediaClub Germania
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Shower Curtain Wire Clips
Solidarity from Germany July 29, a garrison Deputies cut or gags
“Attenti e vigili in piazza Montecitorio giovedì 29 luglio alle ore 16 in contemporanea con l’avvio del dibattito sul ddl intercettazioni nell’aula della Camera. Il ‘Comitato per la libertà e il diritto all’informazione e alla conoscenza’, che aveva organizzato le manifestazioni del primo luglio a piazza Navona e in altre città italiane, è tornato a riunirsi nella sede della Fnsi ed ha fissato questo presidio per indicare che rimane alta l’attenzione e la mobilitazione delle forze sindacali e sociali. I positivi emendamenti votati dalla Commissione Giustizia della Camera per le parti riguardanti il lavoro dei giornalisti - With the introduction of the hearing-filter, which is also the result of pressure for months by a large sign of associations - can not hide the dangers that still leads the text to the right of citizens to communicate (with the unmotivated submission of the blog under the same rules of professional information) and for the safety of the community itself, given the obstacles that the bill Alfano continues to pose to the use of
interception by police and magistrates.
'Neither cut nor gags', said the set of acronyms ritrovatosi to fight against various forms of censorship. So there is no reason to demobilize, as in those days when you change the Alfano Bill arrives at the conclusion of a devastating impact on economic measures tested cooperatives, nonprofit and party, that the cancellation of the so-called 'subjective right' leads in many cases on the brink of closure. The drastic curtailment of public funding is the most lethal gag, as well as cuts to culture and entertainment to remove voice critical views and expressions not approved.
The coverage of the July 29 Deputies to reaffirm the strength of the alliance between the operators of Information and Culture and the many citizens who no longer want to be subtracted news and knowledge. "
“Attenti e vigili in piazza Montecitorio giovedì 29 luglio alle ore 16 in contemporanea con l’avvio del dibattito sul ddl intercettazioni nell’aula della Camera. Il ‘Comitato per la libertà e il diritto all’informazione e alla conoscenza’, che aveva organizzato le manifestazioni del primo luglio a piazza Navona e in altre città italiane, è tornato a riunirsi nella sede della Fnsi ed ha fissato questo presidio per indicare che rimane alta l’attenzione e la mobilitazione delle forze sindacali e sociali. I positivi emendamenti votati dalla Commissione Giustizia della Camera per le parti riguardanti il lavoro dei giornalisti - With the introduction of the hearing-filter, which is also the result of pressure for months by a large sign of associations - can not hide the dangers that still leads the text to the right of citizens to communicate (with the unmotivated submission of the blog under the same rules of professional information) and for the safety of the community itself, given the obstacles that the bill Alfano continues to pose to the use of
interception by police and magistrates.
'Neither cut nor gags', said the set of acronyms ritrovatosi to fight against various forms of censorship. So there is no reason to demobilize, as in those days when you change the Alfano Bill arrives at the conclusion of a devastating impact on economic measures tested cooperatives, nonprofit and party, that the cancellation of the so-called 'subjective right' leads in many cases on the brink of closure. The drastic curtailment of public funding is the most lethal gag, as well as cuts to culture and entertainment to remove voice critical views and expressions not approved.
The coverage of the July 29 Deputies to reaffirm the strength of the alliance between the operators of Information and Culture and the many citizens who no longer want to be subtracted news and knowledge. "
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(ANSA) - ROMA, 20 LUG - immigration in the Italian press is less talk, and since 'disappeared as' Emergency' from political agendas. It remains, in the articles on the subject, a reluctance to investigate the claims and government are still few, but increasing, the 'good news'. They are among the research data 'The time of the riots' paper prepared by the Centre of Rome (the structure created at the instigation of Fnsi and the Order of Journalists, in collaboration with the l'Alto United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees- UNHCR) which has monitored over the past six months the Italian information on immigration and asylum.
The data of this second study on the issue,''shows a complex picture and ambivalent,''said Mario Morcellini, president of the National Conference of the Faculty of Communication Sciences. In the first four months of 2010, monitoring of the front pages of newspapers, the presence of less frequent among emergency security and immigration issues, realigns Italy in a European setting, with an ordinary situation, sometimes 'silent' interrupted by ''flames of revolt.'' And is' not used in an indiscriminate way the term 'illegal', but in peak Rosarno, a newspaper ('Il Giornale') was also used as a provocation to the word 'nigger'. In telling the revolt in Calabria, according to data, events and the press have been distinguished for a more 'rich, while National Newspaper is open to the point of view 'critical towards immigrants.
Moreover, in the 1540 corpus of information gathered in 2008, those 'not bad', although few, only 85 (5.5%), are increasing. About 1 / 3 are neutral (not deployed) as the results of surveys and research and 2 / 3 are 'good' (the integration stories, articles of complaint, etc.). To comment on the data with Roberto Natale, president of Fnsi and Laura Boldrini, UNHCR spokesperson, was attended by several directors of warheads Concita De Gregorio de L'Unita 'Mario Calabresi
La Stampa. The paper''which we published in 2009 on Africa before the G8, and 'was the most' sold in the last five years - said Calabresi -. Ha battuto di 50 mila copie quello sull'Italia vincitrice dei Mondiali, e persino uno in Liguria che regalava un telo mare''. Per lui ''non servono giornalisti che abbiano un punto di vista 'buono' sull'immigrazione, ma di normale obiettivita' e curiosita', come per il resto delle notizie''.

The data of this second study on the issue,''shows a complex picture and ambivalent,''said Mario Morcellini, president of the National Conference of the Faculty of Communication Sciences. In the first four months of 2010, monitoring of the front pages of newspapers, the presence of less frequent among emergency security and immigration issues, realigns Italy in a European setting, with an ordinary situation, sometimes 'silent' interrupted by ''flames of revolt.'' And is' not used in an indiscriminate way the term 'illegal', but in peak Rosarno, a newspaper ('Il Giornale') was also used as a provocation to the word 'nigger'. In telling the revolt in Calabria, according to data, events and the press have been distinguished for a more 'rich, while National Newspaper is open to the point of view 'critical towards immigrants.
Moreover, in the 1540 corpus of information gathered in 2008, those 'not bad', although few, only 85 (5.5%), are increasing. About 1 / 3 are neutral (not deployed) as the results of surveys and research and 2 / 3 are 'good' (the integration stories, articles of complaint, etc.). To comment on the data with Roberto Natale, president of Fnsi and Laura Boldrini, UNHCR spokesperson, was attended by several directors of warheads Concita De Gregorio de L'Unita 'Mario Calabresi
La Stampa. The paper''which we published in 2009 on Africa before the G8, and 'was the most' sold in the last five years - said Calabresi -. Ha battuto di 50 mila copie quello sull'Italia vincitrice dei Mondiali, e persino uno in Liguria che regalava un telo mare''. Per lui ''non servono giornalisti che abbiano un punto di vista 'buono' sull'immigrazione, ma di normale obiettivita' e curiosita', come per il resto delle notizie''.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Denise Milani Latest December 2009
BMB 2001 recalls Marco
On July 25 will be 17 years that Mark (Naf, or simply Narchione Marco Campi) has left us.
It 'difficult to speak of those who have left us in his friends, cornering a huge void. We remember black and white picture of the pioneer of that movement Ultras Fiesole in Florence that materialized at its best with the birth of the Ultras 73. It 's always been and continues to be a constant point of reference and alive within us.
During many meetings of the group but we asked Mark what he would do? What would she say?
When the shock wave broke, and to live his memory, in agreement with the mother was chosen as BMB (Brigade Marco Ballerini), even the older ones were hesitant and wondered: who are we to bring the name of one who has made history in Fiesole? Then we decided that the name was still honored and remembered.
Certainly we were not up to the task we have taken, or almost none of the rest might be, but we have put all our passion. We have tried to follow his teachings in a world, that of the curve, that within a few short years has radically changed.
We miss the "big voice" of one who threw the chorus without even a megaphone, one that you look burnt, but capable of extraordinary acts of love and friendship. Who has had the good fortune to walk with him knows what we speak.
Mark, like those of his generation, he would put his face, he spoke because he had the right and license to do so. We
its "face" we took in every stadium, every game. But from next
year there will be the "patch" in the balustrade, there will be no banner and flags of BMB: this world, nor we are sure, is not his world. If
Fiesole will be able to start again, maybe in other forms, and above all more united, maybe that "face" to return to its curve.
We keep talking about Marco peppering these lines of rhetoric, but not by him, or perhaps with memories that do not interest many.
close with something real and sincere.
Mark loved his curve, his city, that mesh Viola more than anything else. This
we should all learn: the first is Fiesole, Florence, Fiorentina. If we succeed only
ne guadagneremmo tutti.

On July 25 will be 17 years that Mark (Naf, or simply Narchione Marco Campi) has left us.
It 'difficult to speak of those who have left us in his friends, cornering a huge void. We remember black and white picture of the pioneer of that movement Ultras Fiesole in Florence that materialized at its best with the birth of the Ultras 73. It 's always been and continues to be a constant point of reference and alive within us.
During many meetings of the group but we asked Mark what he would do? What would she say?
When the shock wave broke, and to live his memory, in agreement with the mother was chosen as BMB (Brigade Marco Ballerini), even the older ones were hesitant and wondered: who are we to bring the name of one who has made history in Fiesole? Then we decided that the name was still honored and remembered.
Certainly we were not up to the task we have taken, or almost none of the rest might be, but we have put all our passion. We have tried to follow his teachings in a world, that of the curve, that within a few short years has radically changed.
We miss the "big voice" of one who threw the chorus without even a megaphone, one that you look burnt, but capable of extraordinary acts of love and friendship. Who has had the good fortune to walk with him knows what we speak.
Mark, like those of his generation, he would put his face, he spoke because he had the right and license to do so. We
its "face" we took in every stadium, every game. But from next
year there will be the "patch" in the balustrade, there will be no banner and flags of BMB: this world, nor we are sure, is not his world. If
Fiesole will be able to start again, maybe in other forms, and above all more united, maybe that "face" to return to its curve.
We keep talking about Marco peppering these lines of rhetoric, but not by him, or perhaps with memories that do not interest many.
close with something real and sincere.
Mark loved his curve, his city, that mesh Viola more than anything else. This
we should all learn: the first is Fiesole, Florence, Fiorentina. If we succeed only
ne guadagneremmo tutti.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
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Card or passport, this is the problem
La questione della tessera del tifoso è sicuramente una delle pagine più vergognose che siano mai state scritte negli ultimi anni in Italia. Pensavamo che dopo PayTV, tornelli, biglietti nominativi ed autorizzazioni per striscioni e bandiere fossimo giunti al capolinea con le restrizioni, ma non è così per chi vuole speculare sui tifosi. È vergognosa perché limita la libertà di un singolo individuo a poter assistere ad una partita: se non ho la tessera non potrò comprare il biglietto. È vergognosa perché è una pura, ennesima operazione economica a vantaggio di uno stretto numero di istituti bancari. È vergognosa soprattutto perché going to hit the passion, the love that a person can have for their city and their colors. It is shameful that so arouses conflicting opinions within the curves and the same groups of fans, sometimes making them put against each other. That's why we think the solution is not to do or not do the card but to remain united as a group and as friends in the hope that one day's stages, now more and more empty, return to shine smiles, colors and songs.

La questione della tessera del tifoso è sicuramente una delle pagine più vergognose che siano mai state scritte negli ultimi anni in Italia. Pensavamo che dopo PayTV, tornelli, biglietti nominativi ed autorizzazioni per striscioni e bandiere fossimo giunti al capolinea con le restrizioni, ma non è così per chi vuole speculare sui tifosi. È vergognosa perché limita la libertà di un singolo individuo a poter assistere ad una partita: se non ho la tessera non potrò comprare il biglietto. È vergognosa perché è una pura, ennesima operazione economica a vantaggio di uno stretto numero di istituti bancari. È vergognosa soprattutto perché going to hit the passion, the love that a person can have for their city and their colors. It is shameful that so arouses conflicting opinions within the curves and the same groups of fans, sometimes making them put against each other. That's why we think the solution is not to do or not do the card but to remain united as a group and as friends in the hope that one day's stages, now more and more empty, return to shine smiles, colors and songs.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
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FNSI: The day of silence 'was thunderous
"The day of Information silence was deafening. The protest against a draft law on the interception, which penalizes and undermines the freedom of the press, preventing newspapers and news (including new media) to provide information on judicial investigations, including those of the great crime of dirty business, today more than Yesterday can not be ignored Government and Parliament. The extraordinary adhesion, well over 90 percent, the strike called by Fnsi has shown that there is a huge problem posed by the bill, without prior censorship by journalists to prison and heavy fines for publishers, which goes far beyond any corporate considerations. Very few newspapers were on sale yesterday, but all in their comments on the reasons of the strike, admitted that the text of the law is wrong Alfano. The reasons are not in the bill, thus unifying the profession of journalism and very alarming to the public, who have shown sensitivity and indignation in the many events held so far throughout Italy and abroad. Everything both in the collective behavior of yesterday in front of the kiosks, almost empty of newspapers, or before the silence of the TV, and radio network for the first time anywhere. An extraordinary day of protest for the journalists' union strike means more part of the last fifteen years. Just think of the many newspapers of various tendencies which, during other strikes, have often chosen not to have them and this time, however, joined in mass and so did most of the newspapers in the cooperative. a. Well the accession of all broadcasting, including the one where the practice was more complicated to organize the strike, was exceptional. Membership also new media, failure update sites, and the choral participation of colleagues from the magazines (which could not prevent the release of the journals in a single day) were witness to a strict moral and civil protest.
not escape the news of the day yesterday to observers around the world who have considered the silence were a leading global information news: many insights applied directly to Fnsi by leading newspapers from France, Germany, Canada, Argentina, the United States, Colombia, South Korea, Australia, Venezuela, Great Britain, Belgium. Total Solidarity of the World Federation (IFJ) and the European Association of Journalists (EFJ).
Now the Italian government and parliament can not escape, therefore, listening to the reasons for the protest and so much international attention, without exposing the country to more bad figures.
Italian citizens in the meantime, even those not usually inquire with newspapers but with the TV, with a day of silence today than yesterday definitely knows more about a bill that the government wants to limit and restrict their right to know and know important facts for the individual and community life connected with legal investigations. The
Fnsi after the strike remains committed to its ongoing initiative to take back the state law of silence and gag, ready to recourse to the European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg if the law were to be approved as is. And now all those who have objected to the method of protest will be able to strengthen journalists' union, the proposal and initiative, the protest must continue and must continue, not failing every day to know and understand the problems and doubts about this law. The FNSI is already in the field for new initiatives sensational, if necessary, possibly with editors who shared the reasons for the protest. "
"The day of Information silence was deafening. The protest against a draft law on the interception, which penalizes and undermines the freedom of the press, preventing newspapers and news (including new media) to provide information on judicial investigations, including those of the great crime of dirty business, today more than Yesterday can not be ignored Government and Parliament. The extraordinary adhesion, well over 90 percent, the strike called by Fnsi has shown that there is a huge problem posed by the bill, without prior censorship by journalists to prison and heavy fines for publishers, which goes far beyond any corporate considerations. Very few newspapers were on sale yesterday, but all in their comments on the reasons of the strike, admitted that the text of the law is wrong Alfano. The reasons are not in the bill, thus unifying the profession of journalism and very alarming to the public, who have shown sensitivity and indignation in the many events held so far throughout Italy and abroad. Everything both in the collective behavior of yesterday in front of the kiosks, almost empty of newspapers, or before the silence of the TV, and radio network for the first time anywhere. An extraordinary day of protest for the journalists' union strike means more part of the last fifteen years. Just think of the many newspapers of various tendencies which, during other strikes, have often chosen not to have them and this time, however, joined in mass and so did most of the newspapers in the cooperative. a. Well the accession of all broadcasting, including the one where the practice was more complicated to organize the strike, was exceptional. Membership also new media, failure update sites, and the choral participation of colleagues from the magazines (which could not prevent the release of the journals in a single day) were witness to a strict moral and civil protest.
not escape the news of the day yesterday to observers around the world who have considered the silence were a leading global information news: many insights applied directly to Fnsi by leading newspapers from France, Germany, Canada, Argentina, the United States, Colombia, South Korea, Australia, Venezuela, Great Britain, Belgium. Total Solidarity of the World Federation (IFJ) and the European Association of Journalists (EFJ).
Now the Italian government and parliament can not escape, therefore, listening to the reasons for the protest and so much international attention, without exposing the country to more bad figures.
Italian citizens in the meantime, even those not usually inquire with newspapers but with the TV, with a day of silence today than yesterday definitely knows more about a bill that the government wants to limit and restrict their right to know and know important facts for the individual and community life connected with legal investigations. The
Fnsi after the strike remains committed to its ongoing initiative to take back the state law of silence and gag, ready to recourse to the European Court for Human Rights in Strasbourg if the law were to be approved as is. And now all those who have objected to the method of protest will be able to strengthen journalists' union, the proposal and initiative, the protest must continue and must continue, not failing every day to know and understand the problems and doubts about this law. The FNSI is already in the field for new initiatives sensational, if necessary, possibly with editors who shared the reasons for the protest. "
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Federation European sarkoberlusconizzazione
The "Day of Silence Information" issued yesterday by Fnsi is also strongly supported by the European Union Journalists' unions and several foreigners. Here are the documents of the European Federation of Journalists and the union of the French CGT, which, among other things, a complaint "sarkoberlusconizzazione" Alps in progress.
"The European Federation of Journalists (FEJ) supports the exceptional mobilization of Italian journalists who have organized a day of" noisy silence "against the bill on the phone plays. This project will severely restrict the right of citizens to be informed about the judicial inquiries.
"A day of silence effiacace to show what would happen 'normally', with many news blacked out every day, if the law is definitive approvata. Questo disegno deve arretrare. La Federazione europea dei giornalisti sosterrà fino in fondo la battaglia dei colleghi italiani per assicurare il diritto alla piena e libera informazione e al libero e responsabile esercizio della professione e del lavoro dei giornalisti »
Anche il sindacato nazionale dei giornalisti francesi della Cgt (SnjCCgt) “saluta il movimento dello "sciopero silenzioso” con la massima solidarietà contro il progetto di legge che vuole introdurre il governo italiano per restringere l’informazione sulle inchieste.
I colleghi di Snj/Cgt sono ancor più solidali con la battaglia, anche alla luce dei problemi che la gran parte dei media francesi sta subendo, a sua volta, da parte of a majority government for news on the activities of managers or the presidential entourage in the rental-Woetrh Bettencourt.
In France, we like you - responsible for writing the foreign SNJ / CGT, Patrick Kamenka Franco Siddi, Secretary Fnsi - the fight against crimes, even of politics, and against "Sarkoberlusconizzazione" that points to put under the protection of the Elysée dlla and his court of friends all media.
The appointment made directly by a few days ago Nicolas Sarkozy the new President of France Televisions, is, for example, an attack on democracy, pluralism and the right of citizens to information independently.
Ecco, quindi, che noi ora cui auguriamo che la vostra lotta abbia successo e faccia fermare la legge iniqua che state contrastando. Sarebbe anche un successo per tutti i sindacati dei giornalisti in Europa, un esempio da seguire e impedirebbe che ai giornalisti sia imposta la museruola”.
The "Day of Silence Information" issued yesterday by Fnsi is also strongly supported by the European Union Journalists' unions and several foreigners. Here are the documents of the European Federation of Journalists and the union of the French CGT, which, among other things, a complaint "sarkoberlusconizzazione" Alps in progress.
"The European Federation of Journalists (FEJ) supports the exceptional mobilization of Italian journalists who have organized a day of" noisy silence "against the bill on the phone plays. This project will severely restrict the right of citizens to be informed about the judicial inquiries.
"A day of silence effiacace to show what would happen 'normally', with many news blacked out every day, if the law is definitive approvata. Questo disegno deve arretrare. La Federazione europea dei giornalisti sosterrà fino in fondo la battaglia dei colleghi italiani per assicurare il diritto alla piena e libera informazione e al libero e responsabile esercizio della professione e del lavoro dei giornalisti »
Anche il sindacato nazionale dei giornalisti francesi della Cgt (SnjCCgt) “saluta il movimento dello "sciopero silenzioso” con la massima solidarietà contro il progetto di legge che vuole introdurre il governo italiano per restringere l’informazione sulle inchieste.
I colleghi di Snj/Cgt sono ancor più solidali con la battaglia, anche alla luce dei problemi che la gran parte dei media francesi sta subendo, a sua volta, da parte of a majority government for news on the activities of managers or the presidential entourage in the rental-Woetrh Bettencourt.
In France, we like you - responsible for writing the foreign SNJ / CGT, Patrick Kamenka Franco Siddi, Secretary Fnsi - the fight against crimes, even of politics, and against "Sarkoberlusconizzazione" that points to put under the protection of the Elysée dlla and his court of friends all media.
The appointment made directly by a few days ago Nicolas Sarkozy the new President of France Televisions, is, for example, an attack on democracy, pluralism and the right of citizens to information independently.
Ecco, quindi, che noi ora cui auguriamo che la vostra lotta abbia successo e faccia fermare la legge iniqua che state contrastando. Sarebbe anche un successo per tutti i sindacati dei giornalisti in Europa, un esempio da seguire e impedirebbe che ai giornalisti sia imposta la museruola”.
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July 9, so the strike
“I giornalisti italiani sono chiamati ad una forma di protesta straordinaria
che si esprimerà in un “rumoroso” silenzio dell’informazione nella giornata
di venerdì 9 luglio, contro le norme del “ddl intercettazioni” che limitano
pesantemente il diritto of citizens to know how to proceed
judicial investigations, inflicting major disruption on the free tour of the news.
Those working in the field of print media will refrain from
performance on Thursday 8 July, to prevent the release of
newspapers on Friday. All others,
journalists of national and local public and private news agencies, web,
of new media and press offices will not work on Friday.
freelance contributors will refrain from work and its second
the arrangements made for the head with which they participate. The
journalists of periodicals, Finally, they will refrain from work on Friday 9, but
ensuring, as of now, the publication numbers in the treatment of
their heads reported on the motivations of the day of silence.
The strike is a protest with the extraordinary testimony of a
profession, journalism, who wants to be free to offer
citizens information fair and thorough as possible.
a protest that turned into a "silence" a day to highlight the many silences
newspapers that the "wiretapping bill" would impose if it passed the rules
Chamber of Deputies, so far imposed by the government and the parliamentary majority
Molte notizie e informazioni di interesse pubblico sarebbero negate giorno
dopo giorno fino a cambiare la percezione della realtà, poiché oscurata,
“cancellata” per le norme di una legge sbagliata e illiberale che ne
vieterebbe qualsiasi conoscenza.
Giornalisti, ma anche gli editori e migliaia di cittadini, da mesi denunciano
le mostruosità giuridiche del “ddl intercettazioni”. Sono state anche
avanzate proposte serie per rendere ancora più severa e responsabile
l’informazione nel rispetto della verità dei fatti e dei diritti delle persone:
udienza filtro per stralciare dagli atti conoscibili le parti relative a persone
estranee e soprattutto alla dignità dei loro beni più cari protetti dalla
privacy; giurì per la lealtà dell’informazione che si pronunci in tempi brevi
su eventuali errori o abusi in materia di riservatezza delle persone; tempi
limitati del segreto giudiziario; accessibilità alle fonti dell’informazione
contro ogni dossieraggio pilotato.
Nessuna risposta di merito. Lo sciopero, con la giornata del silenzio, è
espressione di indignazione, di partecipazione, di richiamo responsabile a
principi e valori che debbono valere in ogni stagione. Lo sciopero è un
momento della protesta e dell’azione incessante che proseguirà, fino al
ricorso della Corte europea di Strasburgo per i diritti dell’uomo, qualora la
legge fosse approvata così com’è. Lo sciopero è anche segnalazione di un
allarme per una ferita che si aggiungerebbe ad un sistema informativo che
patisce già situazioni di oggettiva difficoltà e precarietà non solo per la crisi
economica, ma anche per una politica di soli tagli che rischiano di allargare
bavagli oggi altrimenti invisibili. L’informazione è un bene pubblico, non è
un privilegio dei giornalisti, né una proprietà dei padroni dei giornali e delle
televisioni, né una disponibilità dei Governi. E per i giornalisti non è uno
sciopero tradizionale contro le aziende, ma un atto di partecipazione
and sacrifice of the professional resource for the defense of a valuable asset of
citizens, proclaimed with a silence that wants to talk to everyone. "
“I giornalisti italiani sono chiamati ad una forma di protesta straordinaria
che si esprimerà in un “rumoroso” silenzio dell’informazione nella giornata
di venerdì 9 luglio, contro le norme del “ddl intercettazioni” che limitano
pesantemente il diritto of citizens to know how to proceed
judicial investigations, inflicting major disruption on the free tour of the news.
Those working in the field of print media will refrain from
performance on Thursday 8 July, to prevent the release of
newspapers on Friday. All others,
journalists of national and local public and private news agencies, web,
of new media and press offices will not work on Friday.
freelance contributors will refrain from work and its second
the arrangements made for the head with which they participate. The
journalists of periodicals, Finally, they will refrain from work on Friday 9, but
ensuring, as of now, the publication numbers in the treatment of
their heads reported on the motivations of the day of silence.
The strike is a protest with the extraordinary testimony of a
profession, journalism, who wants to be free to offer
citizens information fair and thorough as possible.
a protest that turned into a "silence" a day to highlight the many silences
newspapers that the "wiretapping bill" would impose if it passed the rules
Chamber of Deputies, so far imposed by the government and the parliamentary majority
Molte notizie e informazioni di interesse pubblico sarebbero negate giorno
dopo giorno fino a cambiare la percezione della realtà, poiché oscurata,
“cancellata” per le norme di una legge sbagliata e illiberale che ne
vieterebbe qualsiasi conoscenza.
Giornalisti, ma anche gli editori e migliaia di cittadini, da mesi denunciano
le mostruosità giuridiche del “ddl intercettazioni”. Sono state anche
avanzate proposte serie per rendere ancora più severa e responsabile
l’informazione nel rispetto della verità dei fatti e dei diritti delle persone:
udienza filtro per stralciare dagli atti conoscibili le parti relative a persone
estranee e soprattutto alla dignità dei loro beni più cari protetti dalla
privacy; giurì per la lealtà dell’informazione che si pronunci in tempi brevi
su eventuali errori o abusi in materia di riservatezza delle persone; tempi
limitati del segreto giudiziario; accessibilità alle fonti dell’informazione
contro ogni dossieraggio pilotato.
Nessuna risposta di merito. Lo sciopero, con la giornata del silenzio, è
espressione di indignazione, di partecipazione, di richiamo responsabile a
principi e valori che debbono valere in ogni stagione. Lo sciopero è un
momento della protesta e dell’azione incessante che proseguirà, fino al
ricorso della Corte europea di Strasburgo per i diritti dell’uomo, qualora la
legge fosse approvata così com’è. Lo sciopero è anche segnalazione di un
allarme per una ferita che si aggiungerebbe ad un sistema informativo che
patisce già situazioni di oggettiva difficoltà e precarietà non solo per la crisi
economica, ma anche per una politica di soli tagli che rischiano di allargare
bavagli oggi altrimenti invisibili. L’informazione è un bene pubblico, non è
un privilegio dei giornalisti, né una proprietà dei padroni dei giornali e delle
televisioni, né una disponibilità dei Governi. E per i giornalisti non è uno
sciopero tradizionale contro le aziende, ma un atto di partecipazione
and sacrifice of the professional resource for the defense of a valuable asset of
citizens, proclaimed with a silence that wants to talk to everyone. "
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Right of information: a struggle began in 1993
"loud silence" to say no to the silence of the state. The freedom of the press belongs to the citizens
E 'since 1993, the days of clean hands, that the political class will periodically try to rein in the courts and gag the press. Each time the reaction, before the journalists and the public then, has managed to avert the worst damage.
E 'to avoid the worst parts of the draft law on wiretapping Alfano become state law that journalists are called upon to strike and the day after tomorrow. A strike that takes place with the stated aim of protecting the right of citizens to be informed in a correct, complete and timely manner.
Reporters have always been at the forefront to thwart attempts to stifle press freedom in 1993 at the time of the Bill of Gargani, in 2005 compared to the Roberto Castelli, in 2006 compared to Clemente Mastella. Since June 2008, are fighting against the Bill Alfano demonstrations and leafleting throughout Italy, conferences, debates, books, and bicycles parades
. At first alone then, so convinced, with Fnsi and Association of Journalists. Recently, the battle has seen take the field the so-called "civil society" that has filled the Piazza del Popolo in October, Piazza Navona and the web last week. Even the newspapers since last May 24 when the Fnsi held a meeting with the directors, have discovered the importance of the story.
Already last year, just this time, a strike was planned against the Alfano Bill, returned by the intervention of President Napolitano. In this period the government and majority have stubbornly maintained the tenets of the bill, the Senate have introduced even worse.
Who wants to emphasize these topics may do so freely on their heads, maybe all day.
To bring home to the majority and the government that the bill can not pass Alfano is now necessary to strike: a day of "noisy silence," as it is called, to make citizens understand what it would mean the silence imposed by state law
Right of information: a struggle began in 1993
"loud silence" to say no to the silence of the state. The freedom of the press belongs to the citizens
E 'since 1993, the days of clean hands, that the political class will periodically try to rein in the courts and gag the press. Each time the reaction, before the journalists and the public then, has managed to avert the worst damage.
E 'to avoid the worst parts of the draft law on wiretapping Alfano become state law that journalists are called upon to strike and the day after tomorrow. A strike that takes place with the stated aim of protecting the right of citizens to be informed in a correct, complete and timely manner.
Reporters have always been at the forefront to thwart attempts to stifle press freedom in 1993 at the time of the Bill of Gargani, in 2005 compared to the Roberto Castelli, in 2006 compared to Clemente Mastella. Since June 2008, are fighting against the Bill Alfano demonstrations and leafleting throughout Italy, conferences, debates, books, and bicycles parades
. At first alone then, so convinced, with Fnsi and Association of Journalists. Recently, the battle has seen take the field the so-called "civil society" that has filled the Piazza del Popolo in October, Piazza Navona and the web last week. Even the newspapers since last May 24 when the Fnsi held a meeting with the directors, have discovered the importance of the story.
Already last year, just this time, a strike was planned against the Alfano Bill, returned by the intervention of President Napolitano. In this period the government and majority have stubbornly maintained the tenets of the bill, the Senate have introduced even worse.
Who wants to emphasize these topics may do so freely on their heads, maybe all day.
To bring home to the majority and the government that the bill can not pass Alfano is now necessary to strike: a day of "noisy silence," as it is called, to make citizens understand what it would mean the silence imposed by state law
Saturday, July 10, 2010
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From the "White Night" in tribute to President Napolitano Conselice
from the only monument to press freedom in Italy, in Conselice (Ravenna), "a tribute not to the ritual head of state Giorgio Napolitano for his teaching, institutional guarantee of civil coexistence and freedom of all, set by the Constitution, "at the "white night" to say no to censorship bill that blocks the information and judicial reporting. Thus, the general secretary of FNSI, Franco Siddi, has closed during the night in the town of Romagna, the long day of events organized throughout Italy by the National Federation of the Italian press to say no to the silence of the state and to assert the right to know and conditions for the proper discharge of the duty to inform the public.
"In this city - said Siddi - that President Napolitano was recently honored with the desired value because of the actions of the civil population to regain freedom, claiming first place in the stampa clandestina durante la Resistenza, si riannodano i fili del mai cessato impegno per la libertà, che, come vediamo oggi, non è mai garantita per sempre.
Questo monumento, non solo simbolicamente, rappresenta ben più di un momento della
memoria. E’ un monito permanente a considerare la libera informazione il vero motore della libertà del Paese. La partecipazione di migliaia di cittadini alle manifestazioni e soprattutto la grande mobilitazione di Conselice lo confermano e assumono il rilievo di una nuova resistenza civile da sviluppare coerentemente in azioni incessanti per impedire l’interruzione del circuito delle notizie, di tutte le notizie di interesse pubblico, che debbono essere conosciute e non censurate, a Depending on the nature (such as judicial inquiries) Act. The Information is a source of law and security: democracy is understood as a condition that, based on knowledge, but also allows those who have no voice and no power to be protected from abuse of the pre-power. " The secretary of
Fnsi also proposed that the city's mayor, Maurizio Filippucci, who welcomed the idea, to join in Conselice next Oct. 1 - the date of delivery to the Association of the press in Emilia Romagna, the new flag flag of freedom of the press specifically designed for local schools - the Medal of Valor Civil City for the battles of freedom and commitment stanpa efforts in favor of freedom. Camillo Galba, president of the printing of Emilia Romagna, which organized the "white night" together with the municipality of Conselice, cohesive renewed the initiative of journalists from all regions for the information in a permanent recognition of the value not static "pedal" (the printing press of the square in Liberty print Conselice), a permanent symbol of the universal value of access to information.
Hundreds of people crowded the square for the night of Conselice are witnesses and participants of an Italy that will not break the circuit of the news. The artists who have accompagnato la serata (tra gli altri Ivano Marescotti, Tamara Fagnocchi, e le formazioni artistiche organizzate dai gruppi dei giornalisti precari dell’Emilia Romagna), di questa testimonianza hanno reso visibili e apprezzate espressioni.
from the only monument to press freedom in Italy, in Conselice (Ravenna), "a tribute not to the ritual head of state Giorgio Napolitano for his teaching, institutional guarantee of civil coexistence and freedom of all, set by the Constitution, "at the "white night" to say no to censorship bill that blocks the information and judicial reporting. Thus, the general secretary of FNSI, Franco Siddi, has closed during the night in the town of Romagna, the long day of events organized throughout Italy by the National Federation of the Italian press to say no to the silence of the state and to assert the right to know and conditions for the proper discharge of the duty to inform the public.
"In this city - said Siddi - that President Napolitano was recently honored with the desired value because of the actions of the civil population to regain freedom, claiming first place in the stampa clandestina durante la Resistenza, si riannodano i fili del mai cessato impegno per la libertà, che, come vediamo oggi, non è mai garantita per sempre.
Questo monumento, non solo simbolicamente, rappresenta ben più di un momento della
memoria. E’ un monito permanente a considerare la libera informazione il vero motore della libertà del Paese. La partecipazione di migliaia di cittadini alle manifestazioni e soprattutto la grande mobilitazione di Conselice lo confermano e assumono il rilievo di una nuova resistenza civile da sviluppare coerentemente in azioni incessanti per impedire l’interruzione del circuito delle notizie, di tutte le notizie di interesse pubblico, che debbono essere conosciute e non censurate, a Depending on the nature (such as judicial inquiries) Act. The Information is a source of law and security: democracy is understood as a condition that, based on knowledge, but also allows those who have no voice and no power to be protected from abuse of the pre-power. " The secretary of
Fnsi also proposed that the city's mayor, Maurizio Filippucci, who welcomed the idea, to join in Conselice next Oct. 1 - the date of delivery to the Association of the press in Emilia Romagna, the new flag flag of freedom of the press specifically designed for local schools - the Medal of Valor Civil City for the battles of freedom and commitment stanpa efforts in favor of freedom. Camillo Galba, president of the printing of Emilia Romagna, which organized the "white night" together with the municipality of Conselice, cohesive renewed the initiative of journalists from all regions for the information in a permanent recognition of the value not static "pedal" (the printing press of the square in Liberty print Conselice), a permanent symbol of the universal value of access to information.
Hundreds of people crowded the square for the night of Conselice are witnesses and participants of an Italy that will not break the circuit of the news. The artists who have accompagnato la serata (tra gli altri Ivano Marescotti, Tamara Fagnocchi, e le formazioni artistiche organizzate dai gruppi dei giornalisti precari dell’Emilia Romagna), di questa testimonianza hanno reso visibili e apprezzate espressioni.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
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More than two thirds of Italians opposed the wiretapping DDL
data are emerging from a survey of the National Research Demopolis, released on the day of the event sponsored by the National Press Federation.
67% of people interviewed expressed their opposition in the belief that the limits on the use of wiretapping under the DDL could hamper the effectiveness of the investigation part of the judiciary, while 33% said they were favorable to curb the violation of privacy.
"The because of breach has occurred - said the director of the Demopolis Peter Wind - is affected by a climate of growing public distrust in politics and a growing impatience in the country to every form of corruption. "The dissent to the bill appears cross, although there are clear differences in policy depending on the location of respondents in favor of DDL, a large majority, the voters of the PDL, clearly against the supporters of the Centre Left, but six out of ten voters in the league.
The survey, Demopolis conducted by the Institute June 21 to 28 in the continuous monitor Italian public opinion has also analyzed the specific assessments of citizens on the prohibition of publication in the press of the wiretaps and the environment.
Only 29% of respondents endorse the embargo provided for by the bill, believing correctly prohibit the publication of the first interception to protect the privacy of citizens.
The remaining 71% disagreed with the DDL, but among those who expressed their opposition, there are two distinct positions: one in five considers it totally wrong, arguing that the wiretaps should be published to impose no restrictions on press freedom and the 51% said, however, that the DDL being discussed in Parliament should be amended. For the absolute majority of Italians in fact - according to the survey Demopolis - eavesdropping should be placed to continue to guarantee the right of citizens to information, but putting the precise limits to the spread of news about the private lives of strangers intercepted and investigations.
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Indagine dell'Istituto Nazionale di Ricerche Demopolis
Per la maggioranza assoluta degli italiani, intervistati dall'Istituto Demopolis, le intercettazioni andrebbero pubblicate per continuare a garantire il diritto dei cittadini all'informazione, ponendo però dei limiti precisi alla diffusione di notizie sulla vita privata degli intercettati e sulle persone estranee alle investigations. More than two thirds of Italians opposed the DDL being discussed in Parliament which, if turned into law, would limit the use of wiretapping by the judiciary and the prohibition of publication in the are emerging from a survey of the National Research Demopolis, released on the day of the event sponsored by the National Press Federation.
67% of people interviewed expressed their opposition in the belief that the limits on the use of wiretapping under the DDL could hamper the effectiveness of the investigation part of the judiciary, while 33% said they were favorable to curb the violation of privacy.
"The because of breach has occurred - said the director of the Demopolis Peter Wind - is affected by a climate of growing public distrust in politics and a growing impatience in the country to every form of corruption. "The dissent to the bill appears cross, although there are clear differences in policy depending on the location of respondents in favor of DDL, a large majority, the voters of the PDL, clearly against the supporters of the Centre Left, but six out of ten voters in the league.
The survey, Demopolis conducted by the Institute June 21 to 28 in the continuous monitor Italian public opinion has also analyzed the specific assessments of citizens on the prohibition of publication in the press of the wiretaps and the environment.
Only 29% of respondents endorse the embargo provided for by the bill, believing correctly prohibit the publication of the first interception to protect the privacy of citizens.
The remaining 71% disagreed with the DDL, but among those who expressed their opposition, there are two distinct positions: one in five considers it totally wrong, arguing that the wiretaps should be published to impose no restrictions on press freedom and the 51% said, however, that the DDL being discussed in Parliament should be amended. For the absolute majority of Italians in fact - according to the survey Demopolis - eavesdropping should be placed to continue to guarantee the right of citizens to information, but putting the precise limits to the spread of news about the private lives of strangers intercepted and investigations.
For more information:
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With art you do not make revolutions, but with art, which is one of the highest expressions of freedom thinking you can try to improve a little 'the world, society, and if we can do it is through his not bound by ideologies and rules dictated by anything other than fantasy, a desire to think, desire to create.
Never before in recent weeks and days where there is talk of freedom, freedom of information and right to know, as we have felt since becoming a right and a freedom mortified, surrounded, in danger.
We artists are people, citizens and members of the society we live in, so we believe we can do something, we have the right, we have a duty and if not with our work at least through it, through the freedom that is the 'in fact the fundamental premise of all creation. From these assumptions NESS1UNO
born, a free movement of artists and to support press freedom and information.
NESS1UNO is a proposal born between artists from various disciplines (visual art, music, poetry, literature, comics ...) and decided to make available information, whenever there is a need, their work , their language, their work in short, so that it becomes a channel of communication and transmission of news and facts that otherwise would be hidden under the wiretapping bill recently approved in the Senate .. Through
NESS1UNO information will be transformed into art and commentary in poetic license, or any work term created for this purpose will be signed by all at the same time through the pseudonym that he NESS1UNO will pay in effect becomes the sole responsibility. Behind
NESS1UNO there are factions linked to political parties, associations, etc. ... but only a strong position to say no to an unjust law that we feel unmotivated except by special interests and completely unrelated to the common good, a law affecting the inalienable right of every citizen to be informed, to know, to judge , being therefore free.
Everybody who wants to subscribe to this initiative, making it part of the signature or NESS1UNO actively participate through their work can communicate with an email to:
have already joined:
Giorgio Bonomi,
Anna Valeria Borsari,
Iginio Deluca
Liliana Dematteis
Andrea Riccardo Filippi,
Pierluigi Fresia,
Marco Gastini,
Ottonella Mocellin / Nicola Pellegrini,
Alessandro Quaranta,
Gianfranco Pangrazio,
Luca Scarabelli,
Luigi Vercelli,
With art you do not make revolutions, but with art, which is one of the highest expressions of freedom thinking you can try to improve a little 'the world, society, and if we can do it is through his not bound by ideologies and rules dictated by anything other than fantasy, a desire to think, desire to create.
Never before in recent weeks and days where there is talk of freedom, freedom of information and right to know, as we have felt since becoming a right and a freedom mortified, surrounded, in danger.
We artists are people, citizens and members of the society we live in, so we believe we can do something, we have the right, we have a duty and if not with our work at least through it, through the freedom that is the 'in fact the fundamental premise of all creation. From these assumptions NESS1UNO
born, a free movement of artists and to support press freedom and information.
NESS1UNO is a proposal born between artists from various disciplines (visual art, music, poetry, literature, comics ...) and decided to make available information, whenever there is a need, their work , their language, their work in short, so that it becomes a channel of communication and transmission of news and facts that otherwise would be hidden under the wiretapping bill recently approved in the Senate .. Through
NESS1UNO information will be transformed into art and commentary in poetic license, or any work term created for this purpose will be signed by all at the same time through the pseudonym that he NESS1UNO will pay in effect becomes the sole responsibility. Behind
NESS1UNO there are factions linked to political parties, associations, etc. ... but only a strong position to say no to an unjust law that we feel unmotivated except by special interests and completely unrelated to the common good, a law affecting the inalienable right of every citizen to be informed, to know, to judge , being therefore free.
Everybody who wants to subscribe to this initiative, making it part of the signature or NESS1UNO actively participate through their work can communicate with an email to:
have already joined:
Giorgio Bonomi,
Anna Valeria Borsari,
Iginio Deluca
Liliana Dematteis
Andrea Riccardo Filippi,
Pierluigi Fresia,
Marco Gastini,
Ottonella Mocellin / Nicola Pellegrini,
Alessandro Quaranta,
Gianfranco Pangrazio,
Luca Scarabelli,
Luigi Vercelli,
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TG della Sera: "Ddl interceptions and a manifestation of the Piazza Navona in the middle of the evening editions of Tg"
Nel giorno della vigilia. Domani Piazza Navona si riempie dei rappresentanti dei 2/3 degli italiani che non apprezzano il ddl Alfano, dato espresso dal sondaggio di Demopolis, diffuso dalle agenzie. Un dato, statistico. Oggi il flusso globale di agenzie alle 19 proponeva un complessivo di circa quasi 400 lanci dedicati al tema intercettazioni, alle 20 erano quasi 450, più del 6% del complessivo delle notizie; il tema più affrontato. La maggiorparte dei Tg se ne occupano in apertura, glissando però sulla manifestazione ma parlando delle polemiche sul Ddl. Il Tg4 apre con l’afa, poi passa alla morte di Taricone e poi dedica la pagina politica alla visita brasiliana di Berlusconi e al Ddl intercettazioni. E Fede, che afferma come in piazza ci saranno i centri sociali e qualche giornalista, non sembra aver letto le agenzie stampa. Propone poi le interviste di Feltri e Sansonetti quest’ultimo svela una sua forte contrarietà alla manifestazione capitanata, a suo avviso, dalla controparte: gli editori, per difendere un piccolo privilegio dei giornalisti. Su Studio Aperto non c’è traccia nei titoli della manifestazione openness is the news: a father strangling the child of two years. Space Taricone and the panther back in Palermo. The story opens on the TG3 interceptions, Pizzetti and speaks of the hearing of the decision of the majority of scheduling, classroom discussion of the bill since July 29. The Tg of 7 The bill dedicates the opening to the interception with internal services. The Tg5 choose the news as an opening, he speaks of the scheduling and the position of judging a pique Fini unreasonable acceleration of the majority and presents the views of the opposition and the hearing of Pizzetti. There, on the title, but the event space for an internal service, proposing the same measures Tg4 with Felt and Sansonetti. "It is a great read - it says - but it's not a gag law. It 'a law against the power spy. " For the same opening Tg1, and passage in the news, on the event tomorrow. Tg5 space also provided for the reorganization of local taxes by Tremonti (also on TG1, TG3 and TG4) and rising tolls. Even in the two flagships of RAI and Mediaset space death of Peter Taricone and Berlusconi's trip to Panama. Closes Tg2 which opens on wiretapping aiming a lot to the position of President of the Chamber of Deputies. Plenty of space to federalism on Orpheus directed by tg. Collects on the possible declaration of Alemanno toll on the GRA, "I take my car and I'm going to break through any toll booth" Tomorrow special episode of the Centre, in collaboration with FNSI to understand how the news during the day, speaking of the demonstration in Piazza Navona. And we talk of the event, in the commentary, with Enzo Iacopino and Giancarlo GHIRRI new president and secretary of the National Order of GiornalistiL'analisi full titles and analysis from 22.00 on For info: 392 5082277
Nel giorno della vigilia. Domani Piazza Navona si riempie dei rappresentanti dei 2/3 degli italiani che non apprezzano il ddl Alfano, dato espresso dal sondaggio di Demopolis, diffuso dalle agenzie. Un dato, statistico. Oggi il flusso globale di agenzie alle 19 proponeva un complessivo di circa quasi 400 lanci dedicati al tema intercettazioni, alle 20 erano quasi 450, più del 6% del complessivo delle notizie; il tema più affrontato. La maggiorparte dei Tg se ne occupano in apertura, glissando però sulla manifestazione ma parlando delle polemiche sul Ddl. Il Tg4 apre con l’afa, poi passa alla morte di Taricone e poi dedica la pagina politica alla visita brasiliana di Berlusconi e al Ddl intercettazioni. E Fede, che afferma come in piazza ci saranno i centri sociali e qualche giornalista, non sembra aver letto le agenzie stampa. Propone poi le interviste di Feltri e Sansonetti quest’ultimo svela una sua forte contrarietà alla manifestazione capitanata, a suo avviso, dalla controparte: gli editori, per difendere un piccolo privilegio dei giornalisti. Su Studio Aperto non c’è traccia nei titoli della manifestazione openness is the news: a father strangling the child of two years. Space Taricone and the panther back in Palermo. The story opens on the TG3 interceptions, Pizzetti and speaks of the hearing of the decision of the majority of scheduling, classroom discussion of the bill since July 29. The Tg of 7 The bill dedicates the opening to the interception with internal services. The Tg5 choose the news as an opening, he speaks of the scheduling and the position of judging a pique Fini unreasonable acceleration of the majority and presents the views of the opposition and the hearing of Pizzetti. There, on the title, but the event space for an internal service, proposing the same measures Tg4 with Felt and Sansonetti. "It is a great read - it says - but it's not a gag law. It 'a law against the power spy. " For the same opening Tg1, and passage in the news, on the event tomorrow. Tg5 space also provided for the reorganization of local taxes by Tremonti (also on TG1, TG3 and TG4) and rising tolls. Even in the two flagships of RAI and Mediaset space death of Peter Taricone and Berlusconi's trip to Panama. Closes Tg2 which opens on wiretapping aiming a lot to the position of President of the Chamber of Deputies. Plenty of space to federalism on Orpheus directed by tg. Collects on the possible declaration of Alemanno toll on the GRA, "I take my car and I'm going to break through any toll booth" Tomorrow special episode of the Centre, in collaboration with FNSI to understand how the news during the day, speaking of the demonstration in Piazza Navona. And we talk of the event, in the commentary, with Enzo Iacopino and Giancarlo GHIRRI new president and secretary of the National Order of GiornalistiL'analisi full titles and analysis from 22.00 on For info: 392 5082277
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Presidio in Turin: information and freedom
Information is freedom
THURSDAY 'July 1 from 17 to 19
in Piazza Castello, Turin
Facciamo sentire la nostra voce per difendere il diritto-dovere di informazione
Le manifestazioni della Federazione nazionale della stampa – i presìdi del 1 luglio a Torino, a Roma e in molte città italiane, e lo sciopero dell’informazione, previsto per l’8 e 9 luglio - hanno come filo conduttore la denuncia di ‘tagli e bavagli’:
Ø gli interventi del governo per censurare il diritto di cronaca col ddl intercettazioni e per punire la cultura italiana con la restrizione dei fondi per musica, cinema, teatro, danza;
Ø il rischio di sparizione di giornali ed emittenti colpiti dalla drastica e indiscriminata riduzione del finanziamento pubblico;
Ø is a risk that dramatic events such as those of Federico Aldrovandi and Stefano Cucchi may in future long remain unknown to the public;
Ø the continued difficulties of working to get the attention of media representatives and to see the effects of the crisis.
Italian journalist wants to protect freedom
Journalists have a duty to inform them properly and timely complete, citizens have a right to know the news, not gossip, but the facts that are important and essential because they form a free and informed conviction on the basis of which take their decisions in an informed way. For this to happen it is essential that the Bill Alfano has changed profoundly, and in particular must be absolutely clear that what the public should thereby be published and known by the citizens. The text of the bill dismissed by the Senate is not acceptable.
Freedom "is" or "not". Freedom of information is or is not
CAN NOT expropriate the citizens of the right accorded to them by the Constitution to have correct information, complete and timely:
CAN NOT 'keep the public ignorant of what is happening. Alfano
If the bill becomes law, in fact, citizens would no longer be aware of serious criminal offenses such as For example, the laughter of two contractors at the news of the earthquake of Aquila, the kiss in front of the banker Fiorani to Fazio, the tangents on Health in Puglia, the murky story of the football league.
Press Association Subalpina
Information is freedom
THURSDAY 'July 1 from 17 to 19
in Piazza Castello, Turin
Facciamo sentire la nostra voce per difendere il diritto-dovere di informazione
Le manifestazioni della Federazione nazionale della stampa – i presìdi del 1 luglio a Torino, a Roma e in molte città italiane, e lo sciopero dell’informazione, previsto per l’8 e 9 luglio - hanno come filo conduttore la denuncia di ‘tagli e bavagli’:
Ø gli interventi del governo per censurare il diritto di cronaca col ddl intercettazioni e per punire la cultura italiana con la restrizione dei fondi per musica, cinema, teatro, danza;
Ø il rischio di sparizione di giornali ed emittenti colpiti dalla drastica e indiscriminata riduzione del finanziamento pubblico;
Ø is a risk that dramatic events such as those of Federico Aldrovandi and Stefano Cucchi may in future long remain unknown to the public;
Ø the continued difficulties of working to get the attention of media representatives and to see the effects of the crisis.
Italian journalist wants to protect freedom
Journalists have a duty to inform them properly and timely complete, citizens have a right to know the news, not gossip, but the facts that are important and essential because they form a free and informed conviction on the basis of which take their decisions in an informed way. For this to happen it is essential that the Bill Alfano has changed profoundly, and in particular must be absolutely clear that what the public should thereby be published and known by the citizens. The text of the bill dismissed by the Senate is not acceptable.
Freedom "is" or "not". Freedom of information is or is not
CAN NOT expropriate the citizens of the right accorded to them by the Constitution to have correct information, complete and timely:
CAN NOT 'keep the public ignorant of what is happening. Alfano
If the bill becomes law, in fact, citizens would no longer be aware of serious criminal offenses such as For example, the laughter of two contractors at the news of the earthquake of Aquila, the kiss in front of the banker Fiorani to Fazio, the tangents on Health in Puglia, the murky story of the football league.
Press Association Subalpina
Card To Boss Diagnosed With Cancer
The Press Association of the Order of Journalists of Basilicata Basilicata, organized for today, July 1, 2010, from 10am to 12pm and from 18 to 20 hours in Piazza Pascoli in Matera , a garrison to protest against the DDL Alfano that places limitations on press freedom.
Here is a posting to be signed by the president of the regional Mimmo Sammartino and president of Print Serafino Paternoster.
Tutti i giornalisti e tutti i cittadini sono invitati a partecipare.
“L’Ordine regionale dei Giornalisti e l’Associazione della Stampa di Basilicata sono mobilitati domani 1 luglio, insieme agli organismi nazionali e alle altre realtà regionali della categoria, per lanciare un appello al Paese, ai suoi cittadini, alle sue istituzioni dinanzi all’annunciata approvazione della legge-bavaglio. Una legge che colpirà - come autorevoli istituzioni hanno denunciato - il diritto-dovere di informare da parte degli organi di informazione e il diritto a essere informati da parte dei cittadini.
Si tratta dell’ennesimo attacco a diritti e garanzie sanciti dalla Costituzione di questo Paese che, con Increasingly, you try to force, to break in, to deny.
If this law had been in force, the citizens of this country could not have known anything - within a reasonable timeframe - bribery (Tangentopoli by the so-called "crack"), stories such as those associated with murder, terrorism and murky events (which, despite the absence of judicial truth, they could at least become widespread awareness in civil society) and investigations and scandals such as those related to major economic powers (in Italy and Basilicata), stories of pain, left for years and years without truth and justice, such as those relating to the murder of Elisa Claps Fusilli or Titian, to the death of the sweethearts Policoro, Luca Orioli and Marirosa Andreotta, the disappearance of the small Ottavia De Luise or teacher of Marie Antoinette Lagonegro Flora, and other mysteries. Prevent
to tell these stories, justifying this choice with the need to strike some excess, it's like - in front of a pollution source - instead of blocking the damage and hit the polluter responsible, it is decided to remove the water .
say no - firmly - on this project, for which order and Assostampa of Basilicata are mobilized, not an objective of the responsibility of journalists. It 'an imperative that affects us all. About people. Regarding the defense of the fundamental principles of the Constitution Republic. About democracy. About the present and the future of this country. "
The president of the Journalists of Basilicata
Mimmo Sammartino
The president of Basilicata dell'Assostampa
Serafino Paternoster
The Press Association of the Order of Journalists of Basilicata Basilicata, organized for today, July 1, 2010, from 10am to 12pm and from 18 to 20 hours in Piazza Pascoli in Matera , a garrison to protest against the DDL Alfano that places limitations on press freedom.
Here is a posting to be signed by the president of the regional Mimmo Sammartino and president of Print Serafino Paternoster.
Tutti i giornalisti e tutti i cittadini sono invitati a partecipare.
“L’Ordine regionale dei Giornalisti e l’Associazione della Stampa di Basilicata sono mobilitati domani 1 luglio, insieme agli organismi nazionali e alle altre realtà regionali della categoria, per lanciare un appello al Paese, ai suoi cittadini, alle sue istituzioni dinanzi all’annunciata approvazione della legge-bavaglio. Una legge che colpirà - come autorevoli istituzioni hanno denunciato - il diritto-dovere di informare da parte degli organi di informazione e il diritto a essere informati da parte dei cittadini.
Si tratta dell’ennesimo attacco a diritti e garanzie sanciti dalla Costituzione di questo Paese che, con Increasingly, you try to force, to break in, to deny.
If this law had been in force, the citizens of this country could not have known anything - within a reasonable timeframe - bribery (Tangentopoli by the so-called "crack"), stories such as those associated with murder, terrorism and murky events (which, despite the absence of judicial truth, they could at least become widespread awareness in civil society) and investigations and scandals such as those related to major economic powers (in Italy and Basilicata), stories of pain, left for years and years without truth and justice, such as those relating to the murder of Elisa Claps Fusilli or Titian, to the death of the sweethearts Policoro, Luca Orioli and Marirosa Andreotta, the disappearance of the small Ottavia De Luise or teacher of Marie Antoinette Lagonegro Flora, and other mysteries. Prevent
to tell these stories, justifying this choice with the need to strike some excess, it's like - in front of a pollution source - instead of blocking the damage and hit the polluter responsible, it is decided to remove the water .
say no - firmly - on this project, for which order and Assostampa of Basilicata are mobilized, not an objective of the responsibility of journalists. It 'an imperative that affects us all. About people. Regarding the defense of the fundamental principles of the Constitution Republic. About democracy. About the present and the future of this country. "
The president of the Journalists of Basilicata
Mimmo Sammartino
The president of Basilicata dell'Assostampa
Serafino Paternoster
Iphone Masterbation Game
person without the price tag
The editorial project under construction, "the Italians" adheres to the exhibition and website will follow www.gliitaliani. it
this editorial published today on the site
person without the price tag of Peter Orsatti
The news this morning, almost paradoxically passed quietly. Sure, they have then taken the Tg, but with caution, cutting down as they say in the drafting of a newspaper. And then we read the agency take most underrated of the month.
The text of the bill on wiretapping will arrive 'in the classroom to the House on 29 July, after examining the economic measure. And the decision 'was taken by the Presidency of the Chamber before the request of the majority groups and to no opposition. Fini was the chairman called the decision 'unreasonable' as probably the final grade will be 'in September but was not able to do otherwise without failing to institutional duties. (USA Today) The news is a
absolute gravity and absolutely predictable. Because it was obvious to everyone except the "souls belle” dell’opposizione da caminetto che Fini avrebbe ceduto, che non avrebbe retto all’offensiva di Berlusconi e dei suoi su questa legge. Se leggete fra le righe è evidente che Fini ha subito un ricatto e, anche se scontento, si è dovuto riallineare ai desideri del partito dell’amore. È questo la politica in questo Paese, ormai. Ricatto.
Poi c’è un altro dato. Questa decisione viene presa a meno di 48 ore dalla manifestazione di domani convocata a piazza Navona a Roma proprio contro la legge bavaglio. Il Pdl, e Berlusconi in persona, si giocano la faccia su questo Ddl. In molti si erano illusi che bastasse appellarsi al buon senso e ai regolamenti per poter fermare la campagna punitiva voluta dal premier contri magistrati e giornalisti. Perché di questo si tratta. Punire. Punire la magistratura della propria indipendenza, i giornalisti per la propria professionalità, gli editori perché non vogliono più presentarsi più con il cappello in mano per ottenere gli avanzi della pubblicità lasciati dalle televisioni del premier e gli ultimi rimasugli dei finanziamenti pubblici all’editoria.
Berlusconi e suoi vogliono lo scontro, la prova di forza. Tutto e subito. Vogliono piegare le procure e i giornali, vogliono azzittire la cultura e l’informazione non mercificata. Alienare tutti a un progetto culturale unico e rassicurante, grossolano ma terribilmente efficace.
Il bavaglio non è solo alla stampa, ma anche al mondo della scuola e dell’università, della cultura e dell’arte. Tutto deve essere ricondotto al consumo. Popolo di donne e uomini trasformati in merci che consumano altre merci. Ognuno deve avere l’etichetta del prezzo e mettersi in vendita. Questo è il progetto culturale di questa maggioranza.
Qualche tempo fa intervistai il teologo, scrittore e giornalista (e anche politico e attivista dei movimento sociali) Frei Betto. Parlavamo del rapporto che esiste fra arte e cultura. E lui, spietatamente, individuò subito la più stridente contraddizione che si è affermata fra noi europei.
«Non esiste arte neutra – spiega Betto -. Ogni volta che si pretende di fare arte neutra si sta facendo solo intrattenimento, e questo fa solo the game right. The art must not be right or left, the art must be beautiful. The artist, however, yes. He must make his choice. But even in its beauty, art has a political dimension. It is a language that can be linked or not linked with the changing world. " Being in tune with society, what with the move, which transforms it. Utopia? "I know that this is a word that you Europeans do not like much, but in Latin America this is a term that has a lot of strength instead. To believe in utopia means hope for an improvement and be able to fight for this. "
Well, tomorrow it in Piazza Navona we claim our piece of utopia. Our dream of a society where we can not be sold, our need to be people without the price tag on him. Tomorrow we are nationals even before media workers, intellectuals, artists, teachers and trainers, and people will be there to claim our right to inform and be informed, our right to know, our duty to improve. As individuals and as a society.
This morning I received a phone call soon from Masciari Pino, one who spent their lives, their jobs, their loved ones and even their personal safety to do their duty: to give evidence against the 'Ndrangheta and the underworld. He was indignant. Deeply. Had just read the statements of Marcello Dell'Utri after the sentence on appeal for external association. The senator, in an interview with Il Giornale, had once again called the mob boss Vittorio Mangano "a hero". "If Mangano is a 'hero who am I? A fool? ".
No, Pino, you're not a fool. You are an Italian citizen. You are a piece of this company, important. For your story. For your courage. For what you put into play so as not to sell. Even for you, and for those who choose to be free every day, tomorrow we will be in Piazza Navona.
The editorial project under construction, "the Italians" adheres to the exhibition and website will follow www.gliitaliani. it
this editorial published today on the site
person without the price tag of Peter Orsatti
The news this morning, almost paradoxically passed quietly. Sure, they have then taken the Tg, but with caution, cutting down as they say in the drafting of a newspaper. And then we read the agency take most underrated of the month.
The text of the bill on wiretapping will arrive 'in the classroom to the House on 29 July, after examining the economic measure. And the decision 'was taken by the Presidency of the Chamber before the request of the majority groups and to no opposition. Fini was the chairman called the decision 'unreasonable' as probably the final grade will be 'in September but was not able to do otherwise without failing to institutional duties. (USA Today) The news is a
absolute gravity and absolutely predictable. Because it was obvious to everyone except the "souls belle” dell’opposizione da caminetto che Fini avrebbe ceduto, che non avrebbe retto all’offensiva di Berlusconi e dei suoi su questa legge. Se leggete fra le righe è evidente che Fini ha subito un ricatto e, anche se scontento, si è dovuto riallineare ai desideri del partito dell’amore. È questo la politica in questo Paese, ormai. Ricatto.
Poi c’è un altro dato. Questa decisione viene presa a meno di 48 ore dalla manifestazione di domani convocata a piazza Navona a Roma proprio contro la legge bavaglio. Il Pdl, e Berlusconi in persona, si giocano la faccia su questo Ddl. In molti si erano illusi che bastasse appellarsi al buon senso e ai regolamenti per poter fermare la campagna punitiva voluta dal premier contri magistrati e giornalisti. Perché di questo si tratta. Punire. Punire la magistratura della propria indipendenza, i giornalisti per la propria professionalità, gli editori perché non vogliono più presentarsi più con il cappello in mano per ottenere gli avanzi della pubblicità lasciati dalle televisioni del premier e gli ultimi rimasugli dei finanziamenti pubblici all’editoria.
Berlusconi e suoi vogliono lo scontro, la prova di forza. Tutto e subito. Vogliono piegare le procure e i giornali, vogliono azzittire la cultura e l’informazione non mercificata. Alienare tutti a un progetto culturale unico e rassicurante, grossolano ma terribilmente efficace.
Il bavaglio non è solo alla stampa, ma anche al mondo della scuola e dell’università, della cultura e dell’arte. Tutto deve essere ricondotto al consumo. Popolo di donne e uomini trasformati in merci che consumano altre merci. Ognuno deve avere l’etichetta del prezzo e mettersi in vendita. Questo è il progetto culturale di questa maggioranza.
Qualche tempo fa intervistai il teologo, scrittore e giornalista (e anche politico e attivista dei movimento sociali) Frei Betto. Parlavamo del rapporto che esiste fra arte e cultura. E lui, spietatamente, individuò subito la più stridente contraddizione che si è affermata fra noi europei.
«Non esiste arte neutra – spiega Betto -. Ogni volta che si pretende di fare arte neutra si sta facendo solo intrattenimento, e questo fa solo the game right. The art must not be right or left, the art must be beautiful. The artist, however, yes. He must make his choice. But even in its beauty, art has a political dimension. It is a language that can be linked or not linked with the changing world. " Being in tune with society, what with the move, which transforms it. Utopia? "I know that this is a word that you Europeans do not like much, but in Latin America this is a term that has a lot of strength instead. To believe in utopia means hope for an improvement and be able to fight for this. "
Well, tomorrow it in Piazza Navona we claim our piece of utopia. Our dream of a society where we can not be sold, our need to be people without the price tag on him. Tomorrow we are nationals even before media workers, intellectuals, artists, teachers and trainers, and people will be there to claim our right to inform and be informed, our right to know, our duty to improve. As individuals and as a society.
This morning I received a phone call soon from Masciari Pino, one who spent their lives, their jobs, their loved ones and even their personal safety to do their duty: to give evidence against the 'Ndrangheta and the underworld. He was indignant. Deeply. Had just read the statements of Marcello Dell'Utri after the sentence on appeal for external association. The senator, in an interview with Il Giornale, had once again called the mob boss Vittorio Mangano "a hero". "If Mangano is a 'hero who am I? A fool? ".
No, Pino, you're not a fool. You are an Italian citizen. You are a piece of this company, important. For your story. For your courage. For what you put into play so as not to sell. Even for you, and for those who choose to be free every day, tomorrow we will be in Piazza Navona.
Espanol Peliculos, Watch Online
deep and unanimous concern about the state of information in Italy: This was the leitmotif of the discussion held in Zurich on 29 June in the presence of Giuliana Sgrena, a writer and correspondent for the newspaper Il Manifesto. The concerns these days about freedom of the press, but in the debate have been denounced in the most serious diseases of the general Italian information system: by and constraints of public service broadcasting all'incancrenirsi conflict of interest, which gives rise to an information system largely controlled by the Prime Minister.
From our point of view of Italians living in Switzerland, compared with a print and television firmly based on the principles of pluralism, the Italian anomaly in the information field are even more outrageous and unrelated to the European democratic tradition. The complaint emerged in the debate has focused on the main RAI and Mediaset, which convey an image of Italy sweetened, hiding the deep economic crisis and the dramas of social exclusion. Especially in the most-watched newscasts, they propose blatantly pro-government political information, packaged in such a way that marginal and insignificant voice of opposition. Also abroad is even more evident as the entire entertainment programming of the major Italian television networks have had a profound effect in tastes and lifestyles of Italian society, reducing the space for critical thinking and cultural interests higher.
These days in Italy we are faced with yet another deadly attack on freedom of information. With the "gag-law" contained in the draft law on wiretapping is currently before Parliament would be dealt a mortal blow to free expression of the press, which is found in fact unable to take account of the phenomena of corruption and malfeasance .
On behalf of thousands of Italians abroad are determined to protect the image of a modern and civilized country, claiming on behalf of those in Europe and worldwide information objectively on the Italian company, on behalf of those who are rooted in countries where freedom of expression is undeniable, we ask you to stop the "gag-law" and put his hand in a radical way to serious anomalies in the Italian information system . This from its root cause lies in the conflict of interest that the head of government. We demand a commitment to do so to all parliamentarians and we appeal in particular to the elected representatives abroad that are promoting a strong denunciation of the risks run by the Italian democracy in relationship to modern European democracies. For these reasons
express our steadfast commitment to the event promoted Federation of the Italian Press July 1 for the freedom of the press, against the "gag-law" and against the cuts to culture!
The Italian Left in Switzerland, Left Ecology and Freedom, Democratic Party, Italy of Values, Refounded Communist, Italian and Cologne Free ACLI Zurich, Radio Lora Italian
deep and unanimous concern about the state of information in Italy: This was the leitmotif of the discussion held in Zurich on 29 June in the presence of Giuliana Sgrena, a writer and correspondent for the newspaper Il Manifesto. The concerns these days about freedom of the press, but in the debate have been denounced in the most serious diseases of the general Italian information system: by and constraints of public service broadcasting all'incancrenirsi conflict of interest, which gives rise to an information system largely controlled by the Prime Minister.
From our point of view of Italians living in Switzerland, compared with a print and television firmly based on the principles of pluralism, the Italian anomaly in the information field are even more outrageous and unrelated to the European democratic tradition. The complaint emerged in the debate has focused on the main RAI and Mediaset, which convey an image of Italy sweetened, hiding the deep economic crisis and the dramas of social exclusion. Especially in the most-watched newscasts, they propose blatantly pro-government political information, packaged in such a way that marginal and insignificant voice of opposition. Also abroad is even more evident as the entire entertainment programming of the major Italian television networks have had a profound effect in tastes and lifestyles of Italian society, reducing the space for critical thinking and cultural interests higher.
These days in Italy we are faced with yet another deadly attack on freedom of information. With the "gag-law" contained in the draft law on wiretapping is currently before Parliament would be dealt a mortal blow to free expression of the press, which is found in fact unable to take account of the phenomena of corruption and malfeasance .
On behalf of thousands of Italians abroad are determined to protect the image of a modern and civilized country, claiming on behalf of those in Europe and worldwide information objectively on the Italian company, on behalf of those who are rooted in countries where freedom of expression is undeniable, we ask you to stop the "gag-law" and put his hand in a radical way to serious anomalies in the Italian information system . This from its root cause lies in the conflict of interest that the head of government. We demand a commitment to do so to all parliamentarians and we appeal in particular to the elected representatives abroad that are promoting a strong denunciation of the risks run by the Italian democracy in relationship to modern European democracies. For these reasons
express our steadfast commitment to the event promoted Federation of the Italian Press July 1 for the freedom of the press, against the "gag-law" and against the cuts to culture!
The Italian Left in Switzerland, Left Ecology and Freedom, Democratic Party, Italy of Values, Refounded Communist, Italian and Cologne Free ACLI Zurich, Radio Lora Italian
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