Monday, January 31, 2011
How To Keep Nat Open On Netgear
Dogs sniff prostate cancer
Sfruttare le capacità olfattive dei cani to discover in the urine of patients the presence of prostate cancer. This is the curious method tested, apparently successfully, by some French scientists who have long experienced the ability of four-legged friends as the basis of reliable tests for early detection of cancer. A team of medical experts and biochemists, led by Olivier Cussenot, professor of urology oncology at the Hospital Tenon in Paris, said he had trained a Belgian shepherd (the same race to which we rely for the detection of explosives, narcotics or persons buried by avalanches) to acknowledge the presence of prostate cancer with an accuracy that was equal to 91 per cent. "This means, as the authors point out the research, that the urine of sick people has a peculiar smell - says Bernardo Rocco, urologist to the European Institute of Oncology in Milan -. Based on this observation, then, could groped for improvement of the biochemical tests have been used in the laboratory for the identification of this form of cancer. "

Sunday, January 30, 2011
Discontinued Grocery Products
C'avete broke .... The
Ma in che situazione siamo finiti?! Stiamo toccando veramente il fondo! Ci riferiamo a questo stato di cose in cui tanti, troppi fattori stanno portando questa squadra a fare delle figure di merda sia in casa che fuori. Parliamo in primis del fattore tecnico e quindi dei giocatori che vestono la NOSTRA maglia viola: abbiamo un allenatore che doveva rifondare una squadra ed invece si ritrova con gli stessi giocatori di anno, con qualche innesto, seppur promettente, dal settore giovanile ed altri (vedi Cerci) assolutamenti inefficaci nel bring a new game and a new soul. When you change the coach you change the players: When was the Prandelli took all those who had previously coached at the time of Verona and Parma and instead Mihajlovic gnen'hanno not got one! Why, we wonder, the coach has not imposed? Why not beat your fists on the tables and did not ask his players, who wanted him? And beyond that, because the Company has not got the players to focus on value instead of the usual waste of the other teams? These are definitely the blunders that have been made in recent times ... also Poggibonsi, with the right proportion, they do better than what has been proposed by Fiorentina.
to mention the debate that has raged in recent days in the city, we are talking about a player like Mutu, apart from performance on the field, and has the always taken for a ride. How do I reinstate it always hurt everywhere in the team without the consequences? A player who arranges fixed on Thursday evening in the disco where young people are involved (see Ljajic, Babacar, Camporese, etc ...) and induced to think that this is the real fun, not playing on Sunday. A player who was thrown out going to prepare for the withdrawal of his country in spite of the struggle for the Champion's that Fiorentina was leading, a player who was sending text messages to Totti greeted with euphoria the transition to giallozzozzi (then faded Prandelli for the opposition), a player who, speaking of things recently, has always sought cash from companies in the clash and had also offered to Cesena, transfer too vague and that led pantomimic last press conference. Not to mention the facts of drugs, fights and various pills ... But even here the company has not been able to handle this situation, was unable to make sound decisions, in defiance of professional ethics but also to the infinite passion of the Florentines. Mutu
But it's not the only one! We all know what happens to the nightlife around Florence, we do not make dumb, episodes such as those which occurred in Vargas last week should not surprise us that much.
With this background it is enough to hope to arrive early at the end of the league, getting 40 points as soon as the fateful meaning salvation and re-found the whole environment, the Company, which is not clear whether there is or there is, and some players who like fish after a while 'stink.
We are tired of not seeing the heart on the field, shaking his head seeing indecent performance, clapping with their eyes reading the news papers ... Just partying in discos and behavior outside the lines: we broke the balls!

Ma in che situazione siamo finiti?! Stiamo toccando veramente il fondo! Ci riferiamo a questo stato di cose in cui tanti, troppi fattori stanno portando questa squadra a fare delle figure di merda sia in casa che fuori. Parliamo in primis del fattore tecnico e quindi dei giocatori che vestono la NOSTRA maglia viola: abbiamo un allenatore che doveva rifondare una squadra ed invece si ritrova con gli stessi giocatori di anno, con qualche innesto, seppur promettente, dal settore giovanile ed altri (vedi Cerci) assolutamenti inefficaci nel bring a new game and a new soul. When you change the coach you change the players: When was the Prandelli took all those who had previously coached at the time of Verona and Parma and instead Mihajlovic gnen'hanno not got one! Why, we wonder, the coach has not imposed? Why not beat your fists on the tables and did not ask his players, who wanted him? And beyond that, because the Company has not got the players to focus on value instead of the usual waste of the other teams? These are definitely the blunders that have been made in recent times ... also Poggibonsi, with the right proportion, they do better than what has been proposed by Fiorentina.
to mention the debate that has raged in recent days in the city, we are talking about a player like Mutu, apart from performance on the field, and has the always taken for a ride. How do I reinstate it always hurt everywhere in the team without the consequences? A player who arranges fixed on Thursday evening in the disco where young people are involved (see Ljajic, Babacar, Camporese, etc ...) and induced to think that this is the real fun, not playing on Sunday. A player who was thrown out going to prepare for the withdrawal of his country in spite of the struggle for the Champion's that Fiorentina was leading, a player who was sending text messages to Totti greeted with euphoria the transition to giallozzozzi (then faded Prandelli for the opposition), a player who, speaking of things recently, has always sought cash from companies in the clash and had also offered to Cesena, transfer too vague and that led pantomimic last press conference. Not to mention the facts of drugs, fights and various pills ... But even here the company has not been able to handle this situation, was unable to make sound decisions, in defiance of professional ethics but also to the infinite passion of the Florentines. Mutu
But it's not the only one! We all know what happens to the nightlife around Florence, we do not make dumb, episodes such as those which occurred in Vargas last week should not surprise us that much.
With this background it is enough to hope to arrive early at the end of the league, getting 40 points as soon as the fateful meaning salvation and re-found the whole environment, the Company, which is not clear whether there is or there is, and some players who like fish after a while 'stink.
We are tired of not seeing the heart on the field, shaking his head seeing indecent performance, clapping with their eyes reading the news papers ... Just partying in discos and behavior outside the lines: we broke the balls!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Itech Goalie Pads Rx7
The smile that lights up
E 'evening, a group of young Japanese walking the streets of Tokyo. One can see only shapes in sufficient detail, but the smiles of the teenagers of immense light, so many colors, as in a happy and colorful celebration here last found a little 'trash and certainly very genius that comes from the Land of the Rising Sun. I mean some people have gold teeth, whitened those who decorated with precious stones and even those who have tattoos. Now comes a new trend in dentistry from Japan: the smile that lights up.
E 'evening, a group of young Japanese walking the streets of Tokyo. One can see only shapes in sufficient detail, but the smiles of the teenagers of immense light, so many colors, as in a happy and colorful celebration here last found a little 'trash and certainly very genius that comes from the Land of the Rising Sun. I mean some people have gold teeth, whitened those who decorated with precious stones and even those who have tattoos. Now comes a new trend in dentistry from Japan: the smile that lights up.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Is It Possible To Change A Pokemon's Gender
Britain: A 80 year old "finds" his car
Where I left the car? In a May afternoon in 2008 an elderly British gentleman had parked his Honda in a parking lot of a metallic mall before going to the grocery store. In return, however, the car was gone. Or better: Gerald Sanctuary, eighty of St. Albans, Hertfordshire, could not remember where he had left. From three years have passed since that day. Last week, his car was finally found. It was just where he had left.

Where I left the car? In a May afternoon in 2008 an elderly British gentleman had parked his Honda in a parking lot of a metallic mall before going to the grocery store. In return, however, the car was gone. Or better: Gerald Sanctuary, eighty of St. Albans, Hertfordshire, could not remember where he had left. From three years have passed since that day. Last week, his car was finally found. It was just where he had left.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Circles And Peace Signs Bedding
"Welcome Nucleare!! "
The campaign in favor of nuclear power continues in the newspapers and on television. E 'pathetic. Confindustria and the Italian Government are becoming ridiculous. There is no single reason in favor of nuclear power. Exploits the uranium that will end in 40/50 years and is concentrated in very few countries in the world, is therefore not renewable. Will finish before the uranium oil. The cost of nuclear power is greater than that of other energy sources and no one has yet solved the problem of radioactive waste. Why do it then? Perché propagandare balle su balle? Per due motivi. Primo: le centrali saranno francesi e la Francia ci tiene per le palle con più di 500 miliardi di euro di nostri titoli pubblici. Secondo: le aziende interessate parteciperanno a un'abbuffata di decine di miliardi per la costruzione delle centrali in parte finanziate dallo Stato.
The campaign in favor of nuclear power continues in the newspapers and on television. E 'pathetic. Confindustria and the Italian Government are becoming ridiculous. There is no single reason in favor of nuclear power. Exploits the uranium that will end in 40/50 years and is concentrated in very few countries in the world, is therefore not renewable. Will finish before the uranium oil. The cost of nuclear power is greater than that of other energy sources and no one has yet solved the problem of radioactive waste. Why do it then? Perché propagandare balle su balle? Per due motivi. Primo: le centrali saranno francesi e la Francia ci tiene per le palle con più di 500 miliardi di euro di nostri titoli pubblici. Secondo: le aziende interessate parteciperanno a un'abbuffata di decine di miliardi per la costruzione delle centrali in parte finanziate dallo Stato.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
What Happened To Laura Gemser
... and I have messed up the projects as well !!!!!!
... have you ever heard of a "bad" news that is wonderful at the same time ?!?!?
It 's like my mom up there by themselves by sending me a passion (and I am intimately definitely think it is) that x she was the thread of life: sewing.
Along with knitting and crochet ... As I said to my dear
Seas "CreaMariCrea" in the pre / Christmas, I could not wait to begin the new year to learn to sew (knit and crochet I know them enough, thanks to my mami and my grandmother), and also try my hand slowly with creative sewing:
do then? Sewing pasta or corn?
... and why not both?!?
Well "THE BAD" NEWS AND 'ALL THAT chores in that material that I have started this week, I SI SON MISERERE Limp GIA 'IN THE WORK ... WHY'? It 'easy to say: In the new house is' a moisture content 'MORE' HIGH (in fact we have had some slight problem with mold on interior walls), which we have no negative NE 'DISCOMFORT, BUT YOU' The dough ... I DO NOT TAKE !!!!!!!!!!
I did not think that would affect it, but so ...
... so where is the wonderful news?!?
can devote ALL TO MY NEW PASSION THAT I HAVE CLEARLY hatched over the years, even when there I was thinking, at least that 'I believe ... WHY' come to think of envy and admiration ALWAYS WITH MY MOTHER TO BE TREATED WITH needle, thread, fabrics and anything else In that area ... BUT I WAS TOO PROUD TO ADMIT X !!!!!!!
God, how happy I am ... it's as if I had dropped the bandages from his eyes and I saw x the first time how things really are inside me!
Now, having had to make a choice x force majeure and then having established that it is finally clear parallel WHAT 'the road to follow ...
... enjoying like never before in this "light" with an aftertaste extremely rewarding and relaxing x soul that only by "anyone" could ...
LAPALISSE ... is that "the winner is ...
... what made me change il titolo di questo blog in "Ago, affini, amore e fantasia" !!!!!!!!!! (L'avevate notato?) !!!!!!!!
...e se c'è qualcuno che pensa che possa avermi spazientita lo scoprire che la pasta di mais in casa mia è x forza di cose bandita, magari facendomi sentire imbarazzata verso voi...
...o rattristata...
...o peggio ancora in preda a incontenibile rabbia...
...rispondo con inesprimibile gioia :
...TUTT'ALTRO !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Di più...è strange, but I feel like a burden released from limiting tarpante, decelerating, which I finally deleted the fly to a single, endless beach without distraction !!!!!!!!!
And that's what makes it evident how much I wanted to take over the helm ONLY my mami gave up in spite of ...
... witness the race to share add to my unexpected happiness to the many benefits it already ...
... and I do not have to reveal any restraint !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
... senza i troppi, inconcludenti, inutili "bla bla bla" delle mie elucubrazioni mentali...
...le circostanze han scelto x me, affrancandomi da quest'incombenza...
...e ora mi sento finalmente legittimata (era di questo che avevo bisogno) a partire con 1 blog più mirato, con un unico e ben preciso filo conduttore, molto meno "macchinoso" di quello scartato dalle circostanze, più pulito, facilmente "trasportabile" (ovunque io vada posso portarmi dietro una minibag con tutto il "necessàire" e "lavoricchiàre" ovunque e in qualunque momento io lo desideri, cosa che con la pasta di mais I could never do considering the "preparatory rite" requires that every time, not to mention the equipment to be washed constantly, and so on ...), and most of all ...
I can not find words to express the joy that gives me this contingency not foreseen ...
... I will do my best not to disappoint x, Mom, I hope to do it, but if you drive yet my feet will certainly be so!
... and something you already doing ... I knew it !!!!!!!
made me remember that I have at home some of your books and pamphlets explaining a "wide range", I immediately start browse, it will be like to have you back here!
Now I feel gratified COMPLETELY !!!!!!!!
As if I had the sun in your hands ...
... with a little push and I had to touch the sky!
Why ...
... have you ever heard of a "bad" news that is wonderful at the same time ?!?!?
It 's like my mom up there by themselves by sending me a passion (and I am intimately definitely think it is) that x she was the thread of life: sewing.
Along with knitting and crochet ... As I said to my dear
Seas "CreaMariCrea" in the pre / Christmas, I could not wait to begin the new year to learn to sew (knit and crochet I know them enough, thanks to my mami and my grandmother), and also try my hand slowly with creative sewing:
do then? Sewing pasta or corn?
... and why not both?!?
Well "THE BAD" NEWS AND 'ALL THAT chores in that material that I have started this week, I SI SON MISERERE Limp GIA 'IN THE WORK ... WHY'? It 'easy to say: In the new house is' a moisture content 'MORE' HIGH (in fact we have had some slight problem with mold on interior walls), which we have no negative NE 'DISCOMFORT, BUT YOU' The dough ... I DO NOT TAKE !!!!!!!!!!
I did not think that would affect it, but so ...
... so where is the wonderful news?!?
can devote ALL TO MY NEW PASSION THAT I HAVE CLEARLY hatched over the years, even when there I was thinking, at least that 'I believe ... WHY' come to think of envy and admiration ALWAYS WITH MY MOTHER TO BE TREATED WITH needle, thread, fabrics and anything else In that area ... BUT I WAS TOO PROUD TO ADMIT X !!!!!!!
God, how happy I am ... it's as if I had dropped the bandages from his eyes and I saw x the first time how things really are inside me!
Now, having had to make a choice x force majeure and then having established that it is finally clear parallel WHAT 'the road to follow ...
... enjoying like never before in this "light" with an aftertaste extremely rewarding and relaxing x soul that only by "anyone" could ...

LAPALISSE ... is that "the winner is ...
... what made me change il titolo di questo blog in "Ago, affini, amore e fantasia" !!!!!!!!!! (L'avevate notato?) !!!!!!!!
...e se c'è qualcuno che pensa che possa avermi spazientita lo scoprire che la pasta di mais in casa mia è x forza di cose bandita, magari facendomi sentire imbarazzata verso voi...

...o rattristata...
...o peggio ancora in preda a incontenibile rabbia...
...rispondo con inesprimibile gioia :
...TUTT'ALTRO !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Di più...è strange, but I feel like a burden released from limiting tarpante, decelerating, which I finally deleted the fly to a single, endless beach without distraction !!!!!!!!!
And that's what makes it evident how much I wanted to take over the helm ONLY my mami gave up in spite of ...
... witness the race to share add to my unexpected happiness to the many benefits it already ...
... and I do not have to reveal any restraint !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
... senza i troppi, inconcludenti, inutili "bla bla bla" delle mie elucubrazioni mentali...
...le circostanze han scelto x me, affrancandomi da quest'incombenza...
...e ora mi sento finalmente legittimata (era di questo che avevo bisogno) a partire con 1 blog più mirato, con un unico e ben preciso filo conduttore, molto meno "macchinoso" di quello scartato dalle circostanze, più pulito, facilmente "trasportabile" (ovunque io vada posso portarmi dietro una minibag con tutto il "necessàire" e "lavoricchiàre" ovunque e in qualunque momento io lo desideri, cosa che con la pasta di mais I could never do considering the "preparatory rite" requires that every time, not to mention the equipment to be washed constantly, and so on ...), and most of all ...
I can not find words to express the joy that gives me this contingency not foreseen ...
... I will do my best not to disappoint x, Mom, I hope to do it, but if you drive yet my feet will certainly be so!
... and something you already doing ... I knew it !!!!!!!
made me remember that I have at home some of your books and pamphlets explaining a "wide range", I immediately start browse, it will be like to have you back here!
Now I feel gratified COMPLETELY !!!!!!!!
As if I had the sun in your hands ...
... with a little push and I had to touch the sky!
Why ...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Stylish Compact Camera Case
Ma che freddo fa
La temperatura riscontrata è di 48,3 gradi sottozero. Normale, più o meno, se fossimo in Siberia in inverno. Invece si tratta del nuovo record del freddo mai registrato in Italia. La nuova temperatura minima nazionale si è toccata lo scorso 27 dicembre 2010 alle ore 4,30 nella Busa Fradusta, una dolina a 2.606 metri di altitudine da dove esce aria gelida sulle Pale di San Martino, nelle Dolomiti trentine. La temperatura fa riferimento al fondo della dolina (profonda 28 metri) e non alle condizioni medie dell'ambiente circostante, fa sapere il Centro valanghe di Arabba-Arpa Veneto, che gestisce la stazione meteo automatica. Al monitoraggio delle depressioni montane, doline carsiche all'interno delle quali si verificano condizioni microclimatiche estreme, partecipano anche Isac-Istituto di scienze dell'atmosfera e del clima del Cnr, Unione Meteo Friuli-Venezia Giulia e Osmer-Osservatorio meteorologico di Arpa Friuli-Venezia Giulia.
La temperatura riscontrata è di 48,3 gradi sottozero. Normale, più o meno, se fossimo in Siberia in inverno. Invece si tratta del nuovo record del freddo mai registrato in Italia. La nuova temperatura minima nazionale si è toccata lo scorso 27 dicembre 2010 alle ore 4,30 nella Busa Fradusta, una dolina a 2.606 metri di altitudine da dove esce aria gelida sulle Pale di San Martino, nelle Dolomiti trentine. La temperatura fa riferimento al fondo della dolina (profonda 28 metri) e non alle condizioni medie dell'ambiente circostante, fa sapere il Centro valanghe di Arabba-Arpa Veneto, che gestisce la stazione meteo automatica. Al monitoraggio delle depressioni montane, doline carsiche all'interno delle quali si verificano condizioni microclimatiche estreme, partecipano anche Isac-Istituto di scienze dell'atmosfera e del clima del Cnr, Unione Meteo Friuli-Venezia Giulia e Osmer-Osservatorio meteorologico di Arpa Friuli-Venezia Giulia.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
How To Put Together A Gun Cleaning Kit

Cari amici e care amiche, finalmente l'apertura di questo nuovo spazietto dedicato alla manualità!
Manualità che diverrà operativa da oggi così come il blog, e x questo dovrete attendere ancora qualche giorno (pochi) xkè io inizi e termini la mia prima nuova creazione e la pubblichi...spero di non esporla al pubblico ludibrio,
ah ah ah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vi accolgo intanto con un pò di ulteriori immagini di casa mia, dettagli più che altro, a partire da questa placchetta metallica che adoro...
...per passare a far conoscere anche alle mie nuove lettrici e ai miei nuovi lettori un paio dei miei lavori in pasta di sale di alcuni anni fa, che postai già all'inizio della mia avventura in "Charity Drops": l'incisione di ritratti...fu un'idea mia, non ne ho mai visti in giro di simili, e sono fortemente tentata di riprovarci, ma questa volta con la pasta DI MAIS...più resistente ed elastica...
...li avete riconosciuti?
...ma in famiglia la manualità sta diventando una passione dilagante...
...guardate qua cosa "combina" mio suocero!
Una casetta montana...
(...gli animaletti sono una mia aggiunta, per dare un "tocco of life ", but are not created by me ... are part of an old crib!) ...
... a coach (the horse is the only extra component, purchased at a market'm looking for a driver that you can place sat with the reins in hand, and I want to try to create the style that you can carry luggage on the roof, through the bars in place protective order ...)...
... and here there is the 3rd element created by him, see who it is!
(It is not difficult ...)...
... yep, this "tile" with a print depicting my husband and me!
Ed infine questo "altarino votivo", riproduzione di quelli che si vedono sul ciglio delle strade fuori città, soprattutto MOLTO fuori...
...lui in genere vi inserisce statue di Madonnine e Santi, la Santa Croce (assolutamente esclusiva) è stata una mia specifica richiesta...
...e guardate dov'è "ubicato" quest'altarino ! In una sorta di "giardinetto pensile" che mi son ricreata nella parte alta di un minimobile che ho nel mio laboratorio...
...alcuni dettagli...
...(...c'è "qualche" cagnolino, ahahah !!! )...
... e. .. going to get a piece "by 90" ...
... you should know that yesterday I went to a flea market that is set up once a month in Borgo d'Ale, near Alessandria ...
... there was never gone, but I swear now that I have seen do not give up more ...
... well, I've found these lovely wicker shoes that I promptly filled with 2 planting fake fat ...
E 'no pitcher and bowl, but never mind ... I will endeavor in a 2nd time, I'm already ultrafelice to have finally overcome the "hard core" the situation, namely the difficulty to find it as I wanted (= really dated) and the prohibitive cost of reproduction new ...
... I'm terrified to wake up and find out that it was just a beautiful dream!
carrellatina And finally a small object that I have already for some time, but of which I am proud despite their extreme simplicity:
a basket full of lilies of the valley from which peeps a pennutino ...
... of a house where the bird is pennutino this time "lookout" on the perch outside ...
(notice a ladybug on the roof ... ...)...
... a lantern cupola (or "alleged" ah ha ha !!!), on the table with my Joey, as usual, goes where he pleases undisturbed ... not for anything I use rubber mats at the points where the kittens are the masters ... washable, practical and painless!!
And finally, yet another lantern ... ... I like them, you notice ?!?!? !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, my dear friends ...
this one ... "veil" has been partially torn ...
... for its complete downfall and finally clear vision of my modest creations, I refer you to the next ... in a matter of days!
Un bacione al volo !!!!!!!!!!

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