Friday, December 10, 2010

Counselling Activities

THE LAST WORD: Comparing and "The Mafia does not exist." Backstage bet

The last word, video, Youtube (Rai) - "The Mafia, if not told, may not exist: perhaps he was right Roberto Saviano?" - with these words Gianluigi Comparison, conductor The last word is expressed in the backstage with Giulia Cazzaniga submitting your bet. "The fight against the Mafia - said the journalist - is to be done only from the standpoint of safety, but also and above all a cultural challenge." The Last Word tonight, airing at 23:45 on Rai Due, will address the theme of crime sull'attualissimo organized, which also dealt with other shows such as Come away with me and Annozero, and during a special backstage interview the conductor, as you will see in the video on the next page, focuses on the recent statements made two weeks ago by Conso, former Minister of Justice Ciampi in the government, the application of 41a, Article of the law governing the penitentiary system.


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