is not the first time it has happened but we will never make us ashamed of what the corn is produced by the twisted minds of some would-be journalist Florence when something does not turn the right way during the games of our favorite purple shirt.
Firenzeviola today released a video with the worst of Boruc ducks, we refer to this in particular, and we think it's a crazy stuff, stuff that makes us a really disgusting. We are literally angry with these people instead of supporting a viola player give him trying to bury more of his awareness of having committed an error. This behavior
think it's very bleak and shame but that's what is often adopted by the press in Florence. The problem is that these
between radio, television, newspapers and Internet sites are enriched with Fiorentina! But go to work seriously, Earn a living with dignity! We hate these journalists, who then call journalists too: those that have both a journalist even the "G". Instead of giving upon which the referee has whistled offside on a resounding Vargas going to beat a player ... that sucks! Now more than ever Boruc ONE OF U.S.!
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