last victory, 2-1 at home against Bari in Ventura, and finally players run and sweat and honor our purple shirt. The afternoon begins with a smile because now they came to visit our brothers of Verona BordHellas but the tension for the match of the evening is still high given that it is essential to win.
To charge the team decide to wait for the bus before entering the stadium and even if someone has unfairly tried to derail the initiative's we went in the bud at all. In fact, once the team arrived we immediately embraced them with a chorus of support and exhortations to change gear, because recently there had seemed so slightly subdued.
Inside the stadium then came the light: Anthony toured the field to greet and celebrate with his people the prestigious Golden Foot been delivered on 11 October. It is light: great and strong of the match with Fiorentina players who have chased their opponents throughout the field, as well as hopefully continue to do from now on.
Our supporters has been exceptional, 90 minutes of songs and waved flags and on, his voice never ceased to sing the new song born on the song "And I think of you," Team of 84: what a show. This is the right spirit, we've just thrown away! Thumbs up!
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