Five people have died in clashes in recent days in Tehran: the PeaceReporter agency reported, citing unnamed sources premises.
The victims - according to a press agency for information on nearby Emergency - "are two girls, Fatemeh Ehterami Mobina and Bharati, and three boys, Kasra Sharafi, Kambiz Shoaei Mohsen and Imani."
Al Arabiya television , two days ago, announced the deaths of three people in clashes with police, but the news was not confirmed by authorities. Opposition sources reported in Tehran then not aware of casualties. The tension in the meantime continues unabated and we fear more clashes during the protest against the outcome of the vote last Friday, which also participates in the defeated candidate Mirhossein Moussavi.
Meanwhile, foreign ministers of the EU jointly launched today at Tehran's request to initiate an investigation into the conduct of elections and respect the right of the opposition to demonstrate peacefully.
The declaration was developed at a meeting of Heads of European diplomacy in Luxembourg and France decided to summon the Iranian ambassador in Paris to provide "explanations of the events" and respond "to the doubts espressi sulla regolarità delle elezioni presidenziali". Ma l'Ue non è voluta entrare nel merito del risultato elettorale che, secondo il governo di Teheran, ha confermato la rielezione del presidente Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, ma chiede che siano tenute in considerazione le denunce dell'opposizione sulla presenza di brogli e irregolarità.
"È una questione che le autorità iraniane devono affrontare e investigare", affermano i capi delle diplomazie europee in una dichiarazione congiunta nella quale esprimono anche "seria preoccupazione" per le violenze nelle strade e per l'uso della forza contro i dimostranti pacifici. "È essenziale - dichiarano i ministri - che le aspirazioni del popolo iraniano be pursued through peaceful means and that freedom of expression is respected ".
Foreign Minister Franco Frattini stressed that the lines of the Declaration of 27 resumes the position already expressed by Italy yesterday." We will follow closely the developments relating to complaints about election irregularities, "said Frattini." What worries us is the explosion of violence in the streets and squares. "The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said he was also worried about the implications of the current situation of instability Iranian compliance with the commitments sought by the international community for Tehran to halt uranium enrichment and limit its program Nuclear civic aspect. "The implications are not yet clear," noted Miliband. "What we know is that to date there has been no Iranian response to the international community, including the United States." The French minister Bernard Kouchner has insisted that "allegations of fraud are investigated. "I'm the Iranian authorities that have to do it," he stated, however, rejected for now the possibility of an international investigation.
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