Sunday, June 21, 2009

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The sheet today, especially on Iran. To buy

Today, on an exceptional basis, the traditional copy (pink) on Monday is almost entirely devoted instead to the most important articles of the week, articles on the situation in Iran

Carlo Panella "Khamenei in Tehran has ceased to be the voice of God on earth"
Michael Ledeen "Iran is born free in the blood"
Christian Rocca "After stammering, Obama now thinks aun change in strategy"
Giuliano Ferrara "A mission impossible, Speos democracy with sharia"

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

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I can not find the words.

Friday, June 19, 2009

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twitter Iranian play Barack Obama says nothing of us "

"My brother hit I beat, I know nothing of my daughter

Gian Micalessin

Jadi I lose at 16.10. The first of thallium delle elezioni. Inutilmente. «Interviste? Telefonate? No, troppo pericoloso». L’ultimo saluto è per la nazionale di calcio iraniana. «Viva i nostri coraggiosi giocatori: oggi contro la Corea hanno messo il braccialetto Verde Bravi!» . Un attimo e anche Jadi precipita nell’abisso buio, nella foiba elettronica riservata dal regime a internet, sms e telefoni. Resta solo la sua foto di studente capellone in maglietta grigia e sguardo trasognato. Ma la sua anima digitale forse sopravvive, forse si trascina anonima nella risacca dell’ultima spiaggia dei «twitter» iraniani. Si chiama Open Iran, ha aperto da 24 ore e una nota avverte: «Questo non è l’indirizzo di un solo utilizzatore chiunque può use it with a secret URL. We are in the forefront of electronic resistance, the last trench of cyber warfare. I wonder what they think about Evan Williams and Biz Stone years. Three years ago, when they were invented Twitter, they thought only about making money by exploiting the high school and university cazzeggiano of Americans. A cazzeggiano of 140 characters that can bounce off the phone and internet to ensure anonymity. The Han thought. Twitter unlike Facebook, social networks and websites where pictures and videos of the insurgency emerge in Tehran, is the only line to ensure continuous and secure with the protest. Not by chance on Tuesday to avoid an update of the site able to take away the voice of opposition iraniana, è sceso in campo persino il dipartimento di Stato di Washington.
Così grazie a Twitter e al suo angolo di Open Iran alle 17.43 riceviamo anche noi il messaggio che rassicura tutti: «Moussavi sta bene, non credete alle voci, non gli hanno sparato». A quel punto siamo in strada. I messaggi più importanti li firma Iran Election, un Twitter già sbarrato che rigira tutto su Open Iran: «La dimostrazione è in corso, alcuni capi riformisti già arrestati, muovetevi in grossi gruppi, cambiate zona se vi seguono». Un minuto dopo il ritrovo. «Due milioni di persone in piazza Haft Tir. Gli striscioni scrivono “Il mio silenzio è più forte dei vostri manganelli”». Poi la rassicurazione. "The demonstrators are quiet, probably because the Basiji seem calm ... between the police someone wearing green stuff (the symbolic color of the protest note). " Now two confirmation messages. "A policeman with a green scarf I smiled." Open Iran adds some "unconfirmed." But the voice runs. "There are signs ... between police and the Basij is a lot of people with us. " At 19 the indiscretion: "Among the Basij there are many desertions, the contacts of the mullahs who support us work."
More voices talking to strange police who speak Arabic. From where? The suspect whale to 19.30. "We do not know where to jump out of these foreigners, but they are certainly in Iran." The suspect runs the Lebanese militia Hezbollah. They are in the street alongside the Pasdaran friends? No one takes responsibility to confirm it. Meanwhile, the students are on alert. "Beware, the Basij are moving to the university, if you're there squagliatevela. ProtesterHelp warns: "Use the east exit roads." ProtesterHelp reminds us of threats to any of the Pasdaran spread news or pictures on the internet and the promise to drag in court working days.
"Our defense electronics centers - warned the Revolutionary Guards - who persecute propaganda, cause disorder or spread rumors ... take measures hefty legal measures against those who help the U.S. and from Canada. " "If I survive the barrel who pays the lawyer, threw out one of the students on the run from the university. The threat turns on the suspicions of the Pasdaran. Twitter sites can suddenly open up through a trap for the identification of Internet and mobile users.
"Do not follow AnonymousInIran, is a trap to collect the IP addresses of those who are in Iran," warns over Scikidus writing. Shortly after Oxford Girl launches a wish. "Hey, the TV has broadcast pictures of the event's Haft Tir, maybe some minister and TV are moving away from Ahmadinejad." At 21.00 from the area universities except for a dramatic upgrade, "My brother struck, many bruises, I beat, I know nothing of my daughter. " Then another shout: "Everybody out of the university, if you can run home." NextRevolution reappears on the fear of foreigners. "I see at least 20 Arabs ... with the flags of Hamas. " In the night a bit 'of relief and so much sadness. " My daughter is safe and sound , listening but Barack Obama does not tell us anything, nothing at all .... nothing always the same. "

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Iran, a nation of bloggers

Monday, June 15, 2009

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Iran. According to "Peacereporter" 5 dead in clashes

from the Western

Five people have died in clashes in recent days in Tehran: the PeaceReporter agency reported, citing unnamed sources premises.

The victims - according to a press agency for information on nearby Emergency - "are two girls, Fatemeh Ehterami Mobina and Bharati, and three boys, Kasra Sharafi, Kambiz Shoaei Mohsen and Imani."

Al Arabiya television , two days ago, announced the deaths of three people in clashes with police, but the news was not confirmed by authorities. Opposition sources reported in Tehran then not aware of casualties. The tension in the meantime continues unabated and we fear more clashes during the protest against the outcome of the vote last Friday, which also participates in the defeated candidate Mirhossein Moussavi.

Meanwhile, foreign ministers of the EU jointly launched today at Tehran's request to initiate an investigation into the conduct of elections and respect the right of the opposition to demonstrate peacefully.

The declaration was developed at a meeting of Heads of European diplomacy in Luxembourg and France decided to summon the Iranian ambassador in Paris to provide "explanations of the events" and respond "to the doubts espressi sulla regolarità delle elezioni presidenziali". Ma l'Ue non è voluta entrare nel merito del risultato elettorale che, secondo il governo di Teheran, ha confermato la rielezione del presidente Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, ma chiede che siano tenute in considerazione le denunce dell'opposizione sulla presenza di brogli e irregolarità.

"È una questione che le autorità iraniane devono affrontare e investigare", affermano i capi delle diplomazie europee in una dichiarazione congiunta nella quale esprimono anche "seria preoccupazione" per le violenze nelle strade e per l'uso della forza contro i dimostranti pacifici. "È essenziale - dichiarano i ministri - che le aspirazioni del popolo iraniano be pursued through peaceful means and that freedom of expression is respected ".

Foreign Minister Franco Frattini stressed that the lines of the Declaration of 27 resumes the position already expressed by Italy yesterday." We will follow closely the developments relating to complaints about election irregularities, "said Frattini." What worries us is the explosion of violence in the streets and squares. "The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said he was also worried about the implications of the current situation of instability Iranian compliance with the commitments sought by the international community for Tehran to halt uranium enrichment and limit its program Nuclear civic aspect. "The implications are not yet clear," noted Miliband. "What we know is that to date there has been no Iranian response to the international community, including the United States." The French minister Bernard Kouchner has insisted that "allegations of fraud are investigated. "I'm the Iranian authorities that have to do it," he stated, however, rejected for now the possibility of an international investigation.

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young Iranians Exhibition in Milan

Piazza del Duomo, Milan, near the Iranian embassy.

A group of young Iranians gathered to protest against the regime.
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Cartelli con scritto "Siamo noi che ti eliminiamo", riverito ad Ahmadinejad

Dov'è il mio voto? Where is my vote?

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Repression is a motorcycle / 2

Sunday, June 14, 2009

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Repression is on a motorbike killed a Christian because Christian

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Pakistan Continue

Ordinare un tea in the wrong place

Giulio Meotti

Imagine you are traveling in a bus route in the valley of the Pakistani Punjab. You stop for a stop at an inn along the road. Come in and order a tea. Then go to pay and the owner of the restaurant notes that carried the cross around his neck, because you are one of the many Christians in Pakistan, as the former Bishop of Rochester Michael Nazir-Ali. The guy calls some Islamist thugs, they tell you that the entrance of the room there was a sign that warned: "Here we serve only Muslims." Your guilt is putting his mouth in a tea cup reserved for Muslims. So start hitting you with sticks and stones, you beg for mercy. Die shortly after the injury.

It 'really happened to a young Pakistani Christian, Ishtiaq Masih. Meanwhile, in Rome, the cardinals if they were holed up in their palaces, silent on the martyrdom of every day. Israel yesterday wrote me a dear friend, Avner, wondering how it was possible that the Vatican remained silent when similar events occur. I told him that for me has become more valuable Ishtiaq Masih's story, her beg for mercy, his tiny silhouette with that of crocin wood neck, a few of the many empty words of high priest overweight, perhaps progressive and ringed gold.


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the rebellion, the repression continues

does not stop the anger of the Iranian people.
New clashes in the streets.

minutes from 1:12 you see a girl without a veil "led away", perhaps from a relative?

Saturday, June 13, 2009

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We are with you

Solidarity with the Iranian people protesting against the theocratic regime and terrorist.

May their struggle to succeed.

In the clashes, three dead.

Monday, June 8, 2009

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The return of refugees

Some people say "Israel should allow the return of refugees" And I
"But how? Not what you're doing for over 60 years?"

Friday, June 5, 2009

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Obama makes a fair

In visita al campo di sterminio di Buchenwald, in Germania, insieme ad Angela Merkel e Eli Wiesel

"In una intervista alla Nbc andata in onda prima della sua visita al campo di concentramento, Obama ha affermato che anche il presidente iraniano Mahmud Ahmadinejad dovrebbe visitare Buchenwald. «Non ho pazienza con chi nega la storia. E la storia dell'Olocausto non ha nulla di ipotetico», ha detto Obama del leader di Teheran, che di nuovo questa settimana ha definito il genocidio di sei milioni di ebrei sotto il nazismo «il grande inganno»."