Friday, March 11, 2011

I Love Money Myammee Hairstyles

Japan shakes

An earthquake measuring 8.9 struck Friday at 14.46 degrees (it was 6.46 in Italy) the north-eastern Honshu, the largest in Japan, 380 km from Tokyo. A few minutes later a tsunami with waves up to ten meters high struck the coast overlooking the Pacific spreading death and destruction in the area of \u200b\u200bSendai, the closest to the epicenter. But Italian to 19.59 hours (the 3.59 local time on Saturday) there was an earthquake measuring 6.2 Richter scale in an area completely different: near Joetsu, on the shores of the Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan in the face of Korea, pretty shallow (1 km deep) according to initial information. A few minutes later, at 20.25, a 5.5 quake degrees just 80 miles from Tokyo, confirming the shift of the epicenters of the aftershocks to the south-west, closer to the capital.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Suit For Wedding Inaustrila For Ladies

Na Femmene

Best wishes to all women.
Ps = Although a little late :-)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Interesting Facts About Triple X Syndrome

My 1 st prize in embroidery blog !!!!!!!!!

Ciaooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are not evaporated, ah ah ah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm working hard, although I had to slow down because of other impegnucci x-style family ... but there are, and soon I'll show you the chore (very easy) that because of these commitments I made at a snail's pace x dear blogger friend ...
Saturday ... I send him, the former duty of courtesy expect you to receive it and put x before (her honor!), Then I'll show you too !!!!!!!!!
Soon after, I will turn to my 1, x embroidery children ... I have the pattern ready ... I can not wait, I itch hands !!!!!!!!!

In the meantime, however, a very welcome surprise, but very much so ...
... the lovely Paola ( I included it among six recipients of the award bloggers "Kreativ Blogger", citing the following reasons:

"... darling Maddy, thank you for the your good friends, for welcoming me with so much love I allowed myself to indulge a prize ... "

... thank Paola, heart, honor of the first award to "Spring in the heart !!!!!!!!!!