... believed that they were not clear, clear.
Yet we continue to exploit and now clearly say ENOUGH! Let's try to rewrite
e vediamo cosa succede.
Perché dalla trasferta con il Milan la BMB non mette più lo striscione?
Primo punto: la BMB non mette più lo striscione da anni. E' una nostra scelta aver rinunciato al classico striscione optando per una piccola pezza con il volto di Marco e tantissime bandiere e bandieroni.
Scritto questo, che non è cosa di poco conto, abbiamo di comune accordo deciso, dopo le deludenti prestazioni della squadra che ci è sembrata in vacanza, di fare altrettanto.
E' contestare questo? Allora chi ci ricama sopra non ha mai visto una vera contestazione. Nessuno nega che questa squadra abbia fatto grandi cose anche in questa stagione. Potevamo perdere con Chievo, Atalanta e mettiamoci pure il Milan, ma non without a fight. Written
even this far we want to challenge society or coach, and this is clear once and for all. Chapter
boys club will be free to go to Verona to support our twin brothers in a moment so important after years of darkness? I think so, the others were stage regularly.
Who fills his mouth with big words, who makes judgments without having ever set foot on a curve we can safely say: if some of us decide to support the Hellas for a Sunday, you bigots, outraged moralists, where you've been to an entire season, as except for a few games of Champion's, Franks has never been fully sometimes half-empty and desolate? Not to mention where you were when there was miles and miles to be ground to support the team around Italy and Europe.
And we conclude, just to remove any chance of still being exploited, that we are in the corners just for the shirt.
Greetings to who wishes to come, both will play in 11 next season. There
tearing his clothes for the disposal of anyone, we are not going to make written and cowardly unsigned on stingy defense or a player, much less, because it's fashionable, facebook groups organize against the disposal of anyone . LA FIORENTINA you love, do not argue! We
in turn, whether to fight Champion's back or not, because we love this shirt and these colors and always defend our city.