"Trailer del documentario di Raphael Broniatowski (Coordinazione Darfur - Croce Rossa di Padova) sui nuovi flussi migratori dal Darfur, dal Horn of Africa and regions in the north of the continent towards Israel. Interviews with refugees, voluntary non-profit organizations, a young Israeli politician. Editor: Cristina Spizzamiglio. Amina and design: Elena Dalmasso "
Paolo Guzzanti , journalist, writer, television presenter and deputy secretary of the PLI in His latest book - "My agent Sasha" The Russia of Putin and Berlusconi's Italy in the Second Cold War , Aliberti editor - just out, by careful and profound analyst of politics and history of both Italian and world - leading, in this case - he tells us to word for word what's going on at the green table of international politics, including Putin and Berlusconi , between what one says and what happens, what you want to believe and what is not said. This was written on the basis not of impressions or feelings, but documents and irrefutable evidence of the parties and the characters, their experiences and involve them directly. Bukovsky, one of the characters in this story says, "the truth always triumphs lie because the lie manufactured by making ridiculous the truth "but Guzzanti that champion of truth is waged with determination its battle against the lies large and small that stifle our country and lead us, I would say, where is not allowed to go" and instead leads us, in reality, where is our right to go right to people who are truly free in a truly free nation. He leads us along the path through which it is consumed the most sensational scandal of the postwar period by Italian secret services, the story of the Mitrokhin Commission . Just what is known by many in Italy by the epithet of "hoax." They tried to minimize, ridicule, and when the game is not more successful, they had to kill: and we all have in mind a picture of a Sacha Litvinenko dying in a hospital bed. But sooner or later the truth comes out. is a truth that brings very high, and the relationship between Italy and Russia as they were interpreted by two "friends" Putin and Berlusconi , with the second led to overcome every obstacle to political and ideological opposite the difficulty of exit from the energy blackmail in which Italy has expelled the last twenty years, and their continued opposition to hard to overcome an energy strategy against realistic and necessarily nuclear. Paul Guzzanti writes extensively and no half measures in the hope that the Italians can understand what happened in the last years of our history, how and in what context. Guzzanti is a lonely man, who loves to be approved and that is accustomed to seeing continually challenged his statements: consider these protests, sometimes made in good faith, often instrumental, as an opportunity to test the soundness and validity of its thesis. And to all those who almost daily to move the same charges, such as leaving the PDL because Berlusconi would sacrifice the Mitrokhin Commission , the results of which would make many shake in the name of a useful alliance with Putin to ensure to all of us gas, industrial orders, a heavier role in foreign policy as a "broker" with the European Union, and always responds clear that his decision to break with Berlusconi was dictated by the position they took, not so much when you said "personal friend" of Putin , but after the invasion of Georgia by Russia, which took place finding the consent of the leader of the PDL . Guzzanti has always held, and this is not a smentibile that if Berlusconi he did realpolitik, would continue to criticize Putin , but would not leave the PDL . But Berlusconi does realpolitik. If it is true that other Western leaders do business with Russia on energy markets and fight elbowing each other as much as they can for the good of their countries, it is also true that this is because the EU has not yet been able to coordinate a common energy policy. being so damned if you do not want to send in your country you always have to play the game, but the problem is that this is only part according to a set of rules (some written some not) and who non lo fa guadagnando posizioni approfittando degli "spazi di manovra liberi" aggirando le regole, quando se ne presenterà l'occasione, verrà servito un conto molto salato. Quello che è successo dopo l'invasione della Georgia è che Berlusconi ha allontanato l'Italia dall'Alleanza Atlantica ed ha sfidato gli altri leader europei occupando gli "spazi di manovra liberi" E' necessario rendersi conto della gravità di questo comportamento di Berlusconi che non ha precedenti nella storia della Repubblica, e nessun altro paese occidentale, nemmeno la Germania, che dipende dalla Russia più di noi, è arrivata a tanto. Ed ecco i " fatti " non le chiacchiere o ipotesi : after the invasion of Georgia, Berlusconi, just the day before the EU will gather together to decide whether or not to punish Russia, went to Lebanon and signed a friendship pact drawn up within 24 hours, in which Italy in flagrant violation of the agreements signed with the Atlantic Alliance and NATO, undertook not to grant use military bases on its territory for attacks against Libya. 48 hours after Condoleezza Rice was to Gaddafi 52 hours after Cheney was in Italy. A few days later Berlusconi said in Brussels that the planned U.S. defense missile shield in Poland is a provocation degli Stati Uniti contro la Russia e questa dichiarazione nel linguaggio diplomatico non è da intendersi come un'opinione a titolo personale (sarebbe stata un'opinione se non l'avesse espressa Berlusconi , ma un altro politico italiano). Dopo che l'Europa aveva deciso di non sanzionare la Russia, ma aveva optato per la sospensione del dialogo, pochi giorni prima che l'UE si riunisse di nuovo per decidere se riprendere i rapporti diplomatici o meno, Berlusconi è volato in Russia ed ha presenziato ad una cerimonia ufficiale, davanti ai media internazionali, e così tutto il mondo veniva a sapere che l'Italia avrebbe stretto accordi commerciali con la Russia per una quantità e volume di affari significativamente higher than the average rate the previous year (in a single year increase of 60%). During the suspension of the EU-Russia was a tacit agreement among the leaders that, while the commercial business would continue to be held regularly, no European leader would have to sign partnership agreements with Russia. Also in this period, when all the leaders had now clear that in Ossetia there was never any humanitarian emergency, Berlusconi said, according to Italy, Russia had every right to defend its citizens from the aggression of Georgia South Ossetia because Sakhashvili , clearly U.S. ally, President of a country that is clearly the western outpost of community interests in the Caucasus, is a ruthless dictator who was committing a genocide against Russians. Translated in diplomatic language this statement means: Italy does not recognize the validity of the commitments made at its entrance in the UN because it believes that a country may violate the national sovereignty of another without first consult the UN. Now, in light of this fact, we can have fun trying to find even a single European leader who face realpolitik as we, who have taken positions similar to those of Berlusconi during the period of suspension of the dialogue with Moscow. said, explained and clarified all of this we note that it is a peaceful and excited Guzzanti presented himself yesterday at the book fair in Turin, the door to present this work, since a large number of people, and accompanied by his daughter Sabina who , albeit to a lesser extent, in part because she, too, because it is a witness to the events narrated in the book. was Christmas of 2006, Alexander Litvinenko had recently died and the media lynching of Scaramella and Guzzanti in full swing, when the author had a nightmare one night after which he asked what would think of him, his sons, who remember would have had if he had died at that time. He invited them, and then, at his home and explained to them how things really were, his ideas and his battles. Sabina, then interviewed him about the history and interviews are all on the internet and youtube (1 2 3 4 5 6). Sabina is always a witness interview Bukovsky, then accompanied him also Gordievskij held that against him (having her declared communist) an attitude while gruff and affectionate, and went with him to Boris Volodarsky who has co-written the book Gordievskij KGB 's Poison Factory: From Lenin to Litvinenko - The factory of poisons, the history of poisoning in the Soviet Union and Russia since the time of Lenin until Litvinenko (ISBN10 0760337535 - ISBN13 9780760337530 - The book appears to be unobtainable, perhaps being reprinted in 2010). It then went to London, he shot footage and agreed to participate in everything as well as affection for his father's curiosity personal and political, and if the relationship between father and daughter are made difficult by the different political positions, this has not prevented a dialogue, perhaps punctuated by long silences Paul spoke on various occasions in defense of her daughter, and this was reciprocated with his participation in the presentation of this book, where both were visibly excited by the unusual presence and proximity in public. Truth, then! Now available to all, all those who love freedom, to all those who do not want to deploy whatever, who are not slaves of ideologies but love to argue. A truth written very clearly by this journalist who pursues with passion and energy his ideal specimens without fear and with determination. - brief (and poor quality) Summary of presentation at the Book Fair of Turin
On the Home page of the blog www.paologuzzanti.it will be completely hand made, I do not know what kind things will happen, but I think it will be interesting. this very moment there are tests.